Question for parents: making babies

Parents: Do you know when you “made” your kids?

I remember because we were doing “Family Planning” meaning we knew when we wanted our kids to be born (summer) and we knew her cycle. She would come to me and say “Urban-get your butt in here” or something like that.

Did you all do that?

Nope. At some point it was, “Meh, kids wouldn’t be so bad.” And then, the three times we did it over the ensuing 4 years resulted in three bullseyes.

I was family planning way before Mr.Wrekker was involved. He jumped on board and provided his necessary deposit. I can’t say I know exactly the date. It was on or around Oct.18- '98.
I knew almost immediately I was pregnant.

I can’t say it was that precise. At some point we said, “Me want babby,” then babby showed up eventually.

Not a parent, but… my brother and I were both conceived on New Year’s Eve, three years apart. Very much planned by our mom. Our dad couldn’t (or wouldn’t) get amorous until he had a few drinks in him, but he never drank except on special occasions, like New Year’s Eve.

If I’d been born an hour and 20 minutes earlier, we’d both have the same birthday.

My wife has a Masters in reproductive physiology, so everything was set. We hit the jackpot on the first try. So did my daughter, who was trying for a certain birth date.

My family is really, really grateful for contraception.

October 28, 1997…I had just gotten home from spending a long weekend in London with my sister. My husband missed me. :smiley:

I think my wife very strongly suspected. Particularly with our second, her gynecologist predicted a certain date and my wife disagreed. He predicted a July 1 birth date and he was in fact born that day. But he weighed only 6’11" and was clearly 2-3 premature. Our other two were 2-4 weeks premature too (as my wife had been, so we think it is something hereditary).


I haven’t officially kept track of the date, but it happened in room 512 of the Polana Hotel in Maputo, Mozambique. We decided to try once we had arrived in Africa to live, and since I was 38 we figured we should improve our chances by keeping track of my cycle. We “made babby” on the first day I was fertile. I recall my husband suggesting we try again the next day and me saying, “sure if you want to, but I’m sure it worked the first time.” We tried again just in case :slight_smile:

Actually I could establish the exact date within a day or two as my periods were incredibly regular and my next one was due on the 4th of July. We had to go to a rather dreadful party at the US Embassy that day; I recall walking around thinking “hey, my period’s not here, I’m pregnant, whaddaya know.”

This was in the days before home pregnancy kits (or maybe it wasn’t, but they sure didn’t have them in Maputo in 1997) so I had to wait a few weeks to go to the health clinic for a test. When it came back positive, I didn’t react beyond a matter-of-fact, “yeah, okay” because I was already absolutely certain I was pregnant so it didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. I would have only reacted if it had been negative.

My lack of response creeped out the health care worker, who cautiously asked, “And…are you happy the test is positive?” I realized how things must look and reassured her that indeed, I was.

Worked on first try both times with us.

It took us about three months of trying, but when it happened, we knew the date.

Yes. Work had me in New York. I came home for a couple of days around xmas. We were visiting relatives, etc and just barely found time for one wam,bam. That was it. Knowing conception, the doctor gave a calculated due date and my daughter was right on time. We had just given up on fertility treatments and could not afford in vitro.

Yes, I knew when I was fertile, and i felt different right away. Well, the next morning, when I told my husband I thought I was pregnant.

For both children, I asked the doctor, “if the baby was conceived on this date, when would it be due?” Both children were born on that due date.

I was quite irregular, and the due date estimate from my last period was way off.

There was another time when I felt a little pregnant, but wasn’t sure. Then my period was late and heavy. I’m pretty sure that was a pregnancy that didn’t quite “take”.

Looking back:

  • I was conceived on Valentine’s Day.
  • my sister was conceived on my parents’ Wedding Anniversary.
  • and our little brother was conceived on April Fool’s Day (quite appropriate).

My kids are IVF, so I can pinpoint the exact moment they were conceived.

Short version: not a parent, but in my case the exact date is absolutely sure; in my brother’s cases, neither exact date is known.
Long version: Mom was sterile. Promise. Several Important Doctors said so. Nevertheless they kept trying, with no luck; eventually Dad’s MD uncle (who had declared that he didn’t agree with the diagnosis and been told that a GP couldn’t know more than the best ObGyns in the country) told Mom to go spend 3 months of “absolute rest” at her mother’s because she had real bad anxiety. During that time my parents only spent one weekend together and by the time they saw each other again she was already having morning troubles, so either she cheated (doesn’t fit her personality, plus I do take a lot after Dad and his family) or we know perfectly well when and where I was made.
The periods during which The Bros were made happened to see more-frequent activity; the approximate dates are known but it’s not like Mom was peeing on a stick every time they had sex.

At one time I could have quoted “chapter and verse” for the conception of each of my kids from memory.

My oldest is similar to Nava’s story about anxiety inhibiting things. After 6 months of trying, we gave up and just let life proceed in its own rhythms and cycles and just had fun. Shortly after making that decision, she caught and so the story goes.

Maybe I am missing something here.

I don’t see how people are coming up with exact dates.

When my wife and I decided to try to get her pregnant, it was “Katie bar the door”. We did it at least twice that day and twice the next. And we continued near this pace for weeks until we finally checked to see if she had one “in the oven”. She, indeed, was pregnant, but there is no way we could know exactly which session was “successful”.

Sure, the doctor could have subtracted 9 months into the past and come up with a pregnancy start date, but I question how exact that calculation could be. (Which “9 months”? After all, February has 28 days and May has 31.)

Are these couples saying that they waited until the wife was “ready”, did it once and then put the condoms back to work?

My sister-in-law and her husband had difficulty conceiving, but eventually had a baby boy. They hoped to have a second child, and tried to do so for several years (suffering through two miscarriages in the process). SIL’s OB/GYN finally counseled her: “you may need to accept that [son] is your miracle baby.”

At that point, they not only stopped trying, but weren’t even having sex. And, then, months later, while celebrating their wedding anniversary, they fooled around. A few weeks later, they discovered she was pregnant (and eventually learned that she was carrying fraternal twins).

So, yes, they’re absolutely certain of the date. :smiley: