In this recent pit thread a discussion ensued about the appropriateness of Evil Captor’s habit of posting off-topic sexually themed posts in otherwise non-sexual topics.
Instead of starting a thread about it, why not just use the Report Post button, and let them deal with it as they see fit? That’s what it’s there for, you know.
I know that we could, the question is whether we should. As I said in the OP, there was discussion about the whether his off-topic postings are appropriate or not. There was no general consensus about the matter, and even if there were it’s up to the mods to decide, not individual posters.
I also know that I could have emailed them, but that wouldn’t have answered this question for other posters who would also like to know.
Well, regarding the thread you linked to - I didn’t read it in depth, but it seemed that his post was on topic. And the image he references would be pretty funny, given the cirumstances…
Good God. Do you really, truly have to hear this directly from The Moderators?
Here you go:
From the Guidelines For Posting On The SDMB (which is a sticky thread in this very forum. I acknowledge that Arnold is no longer an Admin, but he was for a long time.) Not good enough? Let’s continue…
From 2003: I believe that Eutychus was a mod at the time of this post. Still not good enough? I’ve got more…
From 2004 : I’m sure we can all agree that C K Dexter Haven is still an Admin. And another . Continuing…
Also 2004: DrMatrix is still a Moderator, as well. More? Sure thing…
Of course, you could have done that search yourself (I searched only in ATMB for the words ‘report’ and ‘post’ and ‘button’.) I think it took me fiftten minutes, but that includes making this post all pretty.
But I’m sure the Mods will be along shortly to tell you again. :rolleyes:
Just expanding a bit for the sake of others reading this thread. And please ignore any snarkiness in tone by some of the responders.
We prefer to deal with each offense, one at a time. Hence, hit the REPORT button if you’re in doubt. That way, we can deal with each post as a separate issue In the situation you describe, we can ask of each post: is this on-topic? is it a hijack? So the first level of moderator intervention (if any) is post-by-post. Anyone can type a minor hijack now and again, I’ve done it my own self.
By using the REPORT button, we can also build up a record. That way, if we see a repeated pattern of misbehavior, then we take action at a different level. But we can’t do that based on generalities.