Question on how to safely move constructed Lego sets

We’re moving several hundred miles in a few weeks. My son is quite concerned about how his prize Lego sets (Millenium Falcon among others) will be safely transported without major breakage.

Short of Super Glue, I am not sure how to do this. Some kind of moldable foam?

Does anyone have any idea how I can best pack my son’s Lego sets for safe transportation?

I would assume that a cardboard box full of packing peanuts should suffice.

Are you me? Seriously, this has been a family dilemma several times in the last year. Our little guy is 5.
On one occasion we reserved a space in the hatchback floor surface for this, but sounds like you don’t have that kind of space to spare. A tough box should do the trick – depend on the size of the object, could be a shoebox, or a postal cardboard box, or a packing box from something else you’ve bought. Place object inside, and gently surround it with bubble wrap pieces, or t-shirts.
We’ve never resorted to gluing. A few little pieces might fall off in transit, and while a few tears might happen, it might not be too hard to redirect his attention to a fun and challenging repair session.

You’re already packing blankets, towels, and clothes, right? In boxes or bins or something?

So slip the Lego items into the center of the box that holds the sleeping bags or down jackets or throw pillows or whatever. Roll them up in a puffy quilt.

When we moved with Lego items, I just packed them together in boxes as densely as possible, with bits of corrugated cardboard cut and laid in the boxes to divide them up into ‘bearing walls’ and ‘floors’ to keep the things on the top from resting on the things below. I also broke things up into subassemblies where possible. If things can’t slide around and bang into the side walls suddenly, there is less chance of breakage.

[li]If you don’t have the instruction books take a few photos of each kit for reference later in case bits come off.[/li][li]Go over each set and remove anything that will likely come off anyway - on the Falcon probably the ‘radar’ dish, guns, maybe the landing gear. Put in a Ziploc bag.[/li][li]Give the kit a ‘once-over’ making sure the major sub-assemblies are still firmly together[/li][li]Put the entire kit into a large plastic bag to retain any bits that drop off in transit.[/li][li]Pack in a box so that movement is minimised (rolled up bubble-wrap is good).[/li][li]Put Ziploc with removed parts in box.[/li][li]Seal[/li][li]Hope for the best. :D[/li][/ol]

When you’ve got this solved, then start thinking about how to move a 100,000-piece toothpick sculpture!

“Rolling Through The Bay” is a 100,000 piece toothpick sculpture of San Francisco built by one man over 35 years, that is moved around and displayed at county fairs and other exhibitions.


Have you considered using THE KRAGL? :smiley:

IME, the Lego MF is best transported in the original box, in all its original pieces. Then you have the fun of reassembly again.
No, it’s not a chore. It’s the fun part.

This is what I was going to suggest. Carefully deconstruct each set, and give your son something to look forward to in his new home. For an additional challenge, mix together all the pieces from all the sets.

Plastic wrap/cling film. Bonus; should anything still drop off, it’ll remain contained.

Reference point #1 above, you can get most if not all instruction booklets from the Lego website in PDF format.

That’s how all mine always moved around. No breakage ever. Plus, the opportunity to build things for which there are no instruction books.

In getting my own child Lego sets, I have emphasized the use of the toy as a way of learning to use instructions, which is a problem-solving skill in itself. We take sets apart and rebuild them regularly. So, for me I’d just take them apart and put each set in a separate large ziplock bag with its instructions.

Duplicate info redacted

Or crumpled up newspaper.

Bust it up and rebuild. Permanently-assembled LEGO is an abomination unto God.

Break it all up - mix into a single box.

Tell your kid ‘We have arrived in a new universe. I wonder what space ships they have here’.

The great thing about Lego and other construction kits is they are NOT single-design. It’s a toy for creating new things.

Mumble, grumble, kids these days, no instructions in MY day, mumble, ever build a nuclear-powered submarine with only 3 blocks? I did! Hmmph.

I’ve told this to my five-year-old several times, but he just loves to follow instructions. Luckily, after a week or two, he’ll often take an assembled object apart and add the pieces to the general mixed pile. He’ll work on his own creations from that pile about one-quarter of the time.

Thank you for all of the suggestions. I’m thinking the plastic wrap and bubble wrap (or similar cushioning may be the way to go.

For context, I’ll just add that my son is autistic. Breaking the sets up and having him reconstruct them would be very upsetting for him. I hope we get there someday.