Questions on drip irrigation

Picture a small square plot 16’ by 16’ that I want to drip irrigate for flowers. Rather than running a mainline (1/2") down one side and then tying in the driplines (also 1/2") across the plot and capping them I was thinking of connecting a second mainline on the other side for them to tie into. Think of it like a ladder with the sides the mainline and the steps the driplines. Assuming both mainline tie to the spigot I should get more consistent pressure across all of the lines, right? Is there any reason to NOT do it this way?

And what do I really need to attach the system to the spigot. I’m assuming a splitter so I can have water pressure to the drip irrigation at all times and can run a hose of the other line as need be. A timer of course and backflow regulator. Does that sound right? Do I need more? What happens when sub-freezing temps hits here in Northern Colorado? Do I remove everything from the spigot? Could I maybe run the drip system at a very low volume just to keep the water moving?

I thought the idea with drip was that the “drips” were small enough (holes in the irrigation pipes) there was not an appreciable drop in pressure in the piping, unless it was a really large field. Otherwise, wouldn’t you get washouts near the highest pressure?

You’re not going to get any significant pressure drop over only 16’ of line unless you’re running it straight uphill, and maybe not then. I run drip irrigation lines several hundred feet long, over somewhat uneven ground, and don’t get enough drop to worry about.

You need a pressure regulator. Standard household pressure will blow your dripline apart; most drip lines are made for about 10 PSI and your household pressure probably cycles between about 40 and 60.

Also you need a filter; those tiny holes in the drip line will clog up eventually otherwise, even with household-clean well water.

For the kind of situation you’re talking about, both of those will be cheap versions that go right into the line between the spigot and the drip line; probably by screwing onto a garden hose that you’ll use to cover the distance between the flowerbeds and the spigots, or by attaching right ionto the connection at the spigot if your spigot’s right at the bed.

Yes, take off the connection at the spigot and let it drain. It’ll drain right out through the drip lines.

Leaving the water running, unless you’re talking about a freeze of only a few hours, is probably going to oversaturate your field pretty quickly.