Quick Ebay question - Buy it Now option

As a rule, I hate online auctions, but I registered for ebay specifically to use the “Buy it Now” button and not have to wait six days and possibly be outbid just to save $5.

I bought a few t-shirts for different sellers. When the ebay screen comes up that says “Your order is complete,” does that mean they’ve charged payment to the credit card number I gave ebay?

I ask because on that same page, there’s a Paypal button that urges me to pay now through their service. I’d like to avoid them if at all possible. Is this option just for people who prefer to use Paypal instead of their credit card?

I really don’t know if I’ve paid for my item or not. Ebay was very unclear about it. Seems to me that if they were clear about anything, this would be it…

Wow! EBAY?? You should’ve played the game first hand, lol (seriously) Well they should have a Technical Questions e-mail you can e-mail about. IF not, then I THINK (from my experience) you’ve already payed (do they got your credit card number?) if so, then you’ve payed, but if you used Paypal, then you’ll soon be billed.

I do not think you have, paypal, bidpay, escrow are all paying services but it should NOT automatically do it and you are required ot sing up for these services in addition to ebay, ebay itself should not be handling your credit card to pay a seller

(unless they have changed things)

Okay, then I’m unclear. Why did I have to give my credit card number to ebay when I registered with them?

Cos you signed up with a free email service - if you sign up with johndoe@ispname.com you do not need to enter a CC

Cool. Thanks for the quick response. This must be the only place on the web where you can get a question answered in ten minutes at 5 AM. :slight_smile:

Its ok, when you joined straight dope you had to provide a CC, we will be deducting the usual $15 finders fee. Would you like to tip me ?

The “Buy It Now” button ends the auction immediately. No payment is made. It is still up to you to pay the seller.

Next, you have to pay the seller using whatever methods are mutually acceptable. Whether it be PayPal, Ebay payments or whatever.

I don’t remember Ebay asking for my CC number, so my guess is you have signed up for Ebay payments (which is more or less the same servive as PayPal).

If you’re not sure about payments, the easiest thing to do is e-mail the seller to confirm that everything is going OK.

What causes your hate of online auctions? Realize you may or may not get something, only bid on auctions that are about to end, and don’t worry when you don’t get something, and you too can live a happy ebay life.

But as the other posters say, you’ve still got to pay the the seller normally after using buy it now.

eBay will also ask for a CC # if you are selling anything. Then they can deduct you seller’s fees (after you authorize them to - you can do it one time only, or if you sell a lot, they can deduct monthly) from that account.

I like using PayPal, it’s more convenient than goinmg out and getting a MO and waiting for that to get mailed.

The “Buy it Now” option is just a convenient way to avoid the bidding hassle, but you handle the transaction the exact same way you would if you had the winning bid. That is to say, it certainly isn’t handled automatically when you won the bid or clicked on the “Buy it Now” button!

Transactions are handled via email. After winning an auction (or clicking on “Buy it Now”) you will be sent an eBay-generated email announcing your win and it will give you email contact info for the seller.

While the seller will usually send you a confirmation email along with payment details, like where to mail a check, the courteous thing to do is to take the initiative and send a note along the lines of “Hey, I won (or bought) item so-and-so on ebay… where should I send the check?”

Paypal is an online service that you register with and set up an account with so you can pay for winning auctions and other purchases with your credit card. Paying with Paypal usually means you get your purchased items faster as the seller doesn’t have to wait for you to mail and check and have it clear, etc.

Still, if you choose to pay via Paypal, to still have to pay via Paypal. That is to say, payment isn’t handled automatically just by winning the auction alone. And if you pay via paypal, the smart thing to do is to still send an email to the seller saying, “Hey, I just won your auction for such-and-such and I just payed via Paypal… send me my loot!”

I hope this helps and wasn’t too confusing.

Another point about this:

You haven’t automatically paid, because not every seller takes PayPal. Ebay can’t possibly link the Buy It Now or any other option to an automatic payment service, because not every buyer and not every seller has signed up for PayPal or something like it. There are many people who still don’t trust those darned electronic services what mess with their money. There are also a lot of people from out of the U.S. who might not have good access to those services, and who would rather send a money order, or get money orders.

After you win the auction, write email to the person you bought from asap. Like within three days. Ask them for the payment instructions.

Their email is on your winning bid confirmation email that sometimes takes a day to come.

ebay asks new members for their credit card number to keep out fraudulent buyers. It’s not for paying for your items.

BuyItNow disappears whenever someone makes a min bid on something too, unless they have a reserve price, only a high reserve price near the BIN can keep BINs up longer.

PayPal makes buying and selling on eBay a lot less painful. I usually ship/receive items several days quicker than when paying/receiving payment via snailly mail.

I’m a bit surprised by your confusion. As soon as you’re chose the “buy now” option a screen comes up with the pay-pal logo asking if you’d like to “pay now,” so… Even with the buy now option you should hear from the seller within three days so they can ask you how you’re going to pay if you haven’t already; many sellers accept things other than pay-pal in their buy-now auctions so you can pay by check or money order if that’s an option they’ve listed under payment methods.