Quick! I need a good riddle

I’m working on a little project and need a short but eyecatching riddle. Something that would get someone to stop and take notice, witty enough to actually get them to want to solve it and submit the answer. Any suggestions?

The Pope has one, but never uses it
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a large one
A nun doesn’t need one
Michael J Fox has quite a small one
Madonna doesn’t have one
Your father has one, but your mother uses it

What is it?

(A surname)

a last name, though the last statement isn’t true for my kids!

What crawls on all fours in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?


How do you get down off an elephant?

You don’t. You get down off a goose.

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

I like string.

What is the proper forum to submit requests for riddles?

I’m hoping for something which is somewhat obscure so that potential victi- er volunteers won’t try to cheat by searching online, which implies research, which probably would qualify for GQ? :slight_smile:

There are the Spoonerism type riddles, but the only ones that pop into mind are not suitable for polite company.

What’s the difference between a woman in church and a woman in the bathtub?

>A woman in church has Hope in her Soul; a woman in the tub has Soap in…

What’s the difference between a rooster and a shyster?

>A rooster CLucks deFiance; a shyster…de (the) CLients.

Surely there are some clean ones.

One that I made up a while ago, so I doubt it’s searchable:

Never at noon, never at night
Always my back is out of sight
If you would see me, I appear
When the world dries its tears

What fun are they?

What’s the difference between an epileptic oyster shucker and a prostitute with diarrhea?

The epileptic oyster shucker shucks between fits.

A rainbow?

A rainbow?

Not really - there’s no objectively correct answer to your request. I’d say MPSIMS or possibly IMHO (if it could be considered a poll).

A man without eyes sees plums on a tree.
He neither takes plums nor leaves plums.
How can that be?

He has one eye and sees two plums, one of which he takes.

Two men, one facing due west and the other facing due east, stand watching. The man facing west asks, “why are you smiling?”. How did he know the man facing east is smiling?

They are face to face, not back to back.

More of a puzzle than a riddle, but:

Sylvester Stallone
Rutger Hauer
Orson Welles
Pierce Brosnan
? ? ?
Bruce Willis
Max Von Sydow

(I invented the above riddle. I’ve posted it in other message boards, so it might be Googleable)

Moving to MPSIMS from GQ.

General Questions Moderator

Spoiler response: So… he doesn’t have eyeS (plural); he has ‘eye’, and he doesn’t have/leave plumS (plural), he has/takes ‘plum’?

My first is a number, my second another.
And each (I assure you) will rhyme with the other.
My first I can say is one fifth of my second,
And when both are together a long period reckoned.

A man is found dead one morning in his study with a pistol in his hand and a tape recorder next to him. When the cops hit play they simply hear “Everyone I know is dead, I’ve lost my job, I have nothing to live for.” How did the cops know it wasn’t a suicide?

And, of course, the obligatory “dick move” one:
A particular stump in a farmer’s yard is used to feed the local squirrel, who happens to like corn. Every season he puts 10 ears of corn in the stump. The squirrel leaves with three ears every day, how many days does it take for the stump to be empty?

Not sure why that one is a dick move… unless the answer isn’t 10? No clue on the others.

When you have it, you want to share it. Once you share it, you no longer have it. What is it?

A secret.

What’s the difference between a smoker and Kermit the Frog?

A smoker enjoys a cig in the pack… :smiley: