Quick Poll--My Motherboard is being replaced at work. Paranoia creeps into my heart.

My paranoia is acting up again. :eek:

I got an e-mail, out of the blue, that says Tech Support is coming over today to replace my Motherboard.

Nobody asked them to! :eek: :dubious: :confused:

Tech Support here does nada without a formal request, or a general upgrade.

I have not tried to violate policy–i.e. no pron or gambling. But when there is a hiring freeze on, like there is now, State Personnel gets weird. New dress codes, dumb politically-correct “training sessions” about bupkis topics, or going on a tear about Net violations.

Am I being set up to take the fall? :eek: :eek: :eek:

There’s nothing on your motherboard that would let anyone know your love of goat-felching one-armed pigmy porn, so rest easy on that.

Now, if they want to come and take your hard drive, that’s the time to start worrying. But the motherboard? It’s just a pile o’ chips as far as your personal life is concerned.

All the web violations are tracked by the http server, or possibly by the internet gateway, so they already have a list of your website visits if they bothered to look. None of that is on the motherboard.

Is your PC a Dell? If so they’ve been having horrible MB capacitor problems for a while and your organisation might be doing a rolling swap-out across the board (if you’ll pardom the pun ;))

*pardon, bah…

Yup. Dell.

Yep, motherboard replacement is not a big deal at all. It’s a relatively quick procedure as well (as long as the case cooperates with you).