Quick Shaun of the Dead question

When Shaun gets stabbed in the head, Ed laughs and says he knew he was right. I assume he was referring to an earlier pub quiz question or bet (since he also mentions whether dogs are able to look up) but I must have missed it- what was it? Great movie, by the way, to anyone thinking of checking it out- the absolute ending is pure genius (and incredibly true to life).

The gun Ed threw him (this happens just after Shaun gets stabbed in the head) Ed earlier insisted it was loaded, Shaun said it wasn’t. When Shaun gestures, he causes the gun to go off/shoot/whatever the technical term is. Thus, Ed was right - it was loaded. Good thing it wasn’t pointing at anyone. :slight_smile:

Aaah, I remember now. That doesn’t explain how Shaun got on so well with that horrible head wound (I assumed the head/brain damage would give him some sort of zombie immunity- but that kind of detail/twist is probably too much for a movie that already managed to cover a topic I’d always wondered about- Can the living pretend to be zombies?

Huh. That’s not a spoiler tag.

Do you mean the dart he catches in the head? I think it was just sort of lodged lightly in his skull, and not deep enough to actually affect his brain. At least that was my impression after seeing it twice.

The dart looks like it went into his scalp, not through his skull and into his brain.

Mirror is correct; the dart did not penetrate that deeply. Would you believe I just watched this movie on Christmas Eve?

Weird timing, but I liked it. Hilarious!

“Who died and made you King of the Zombies?”

Best. Zombie. movie. ever.

That’s nothin. We watched a movie called “2 Days” on Christmas Eve. It’s about a guy who is making a documentary about his last two days before he commits suicide.

Oh, and the Six Feet Under. Yep, It’s the Christmas Eve of Death!

I also watched Open Water that night. Yiiiikes!
Was it Ed who said “Fuck a doodle doo” or was it Shaun? I can’t get that phrase out of my head now!

Neither - its Pete.

I got this movie for Christmas. I accentuated this movie with a book called “The Stupidest Angel” which is also about Christmas and the walking dead. Christmas is a nice time to contemplate zombies because in Michigan, the slow ones freeze solid and you can just push them the heck over.