Quit using fucking massive fonts in threads, arseholes. (Brief, to the point)

I browse the SDMB at work. I know I shouldn’t, but I do.

Normally I can be fairly discreet about it.

But when people post huge, or even worse, huge RED words on the screen like this it kind of draws attention to my nefarious time-wasting activities.

So please cut it out.

Molto grazie.

I will not… I will not… I will not…

Must… resist…

I don’t see what the problem is with the particular posts lnked to in the OP. It’s the ones where the huge red letters happen to spell out “FUCK” that are annoying when I’m trying to read SDMB on the sly.

While you’re at it, might as well pit that big huge Straight Dope logo that appears at the top of every fucking page here. The nerve!

I exercised tremendous restraint in not using huge letters for this post. But I warn you, those that come after me may be a different story altogether.

Must resist temptation… must resist… must…
oh, fuck it.


When come back, bring rant.

Were these out of line?

Stop stealing from your employer.

I think people should stop doing it, not to aid people who are trying to surf, but because it’s fucking annoying. It’s not dramatic. It’s not impressive. It’s lame. Everyone’s impressed you figured out how to use both the size and the color tags, but it’s still lame.

In my mind, people who add enormous fonts to their posts are on the same level as those early AOL users who typed in all-caps and didn’t use punctuation, quickly making an aol domain name a badge of shame across the Internet. Just say no.

I did it yesterday because I was making a parody of a very popular children’s book in a joke thread. For it to work, I had to use large letters during part of it just like they do in the book for it to work at all. So there you go, there are legitimate uses for it.

Just in case you scrolled down quickly . . .

I must admit, I laughed out loud just at the thought of opening this thread. When it gets to be that obvious, I just skip posting the obvious.

So what you’re saying is that you don’t find this

$5p3. #337 AWESUM!!!1!11


Maybe all they’re saying is L@@K!!! at me?

I must agree with the OP! I’m at home now, and laughing my ass off. But if I had been opening one of those threads at work…

Bugger the lot of ya!

Letting people know you browse at work like that is an invitation for trouble…


Now what’s wrong with furries… on the other hand…
How to execute a bloody workplace rampage in ten easy steps



I’m sorry, but this is flat out brilliant. Bravo Liberal!
and to add my own (but nowhere near as good)


How To Tell Your Co-Workers You Have Genital Herpes

This is fun.