green_bladder, you're a fucking jackass

Sorry, but you’re not funny. You’re not cute. Take that fucking green smilie and your spoiler box, and shove them so far up your ass they puncture your goddamn lungs.

In my Your SDMB Habits and Pet Peeves my opening paragraph details why I hate spoiler boxes. I even go so far as to say that a thread with a spoiler box will make me not want to return to a thread. I then politely ask that no one post a spoiler box, as I probably won’t return.

So what the fuck do you do?

You shit all over my thread. Your smilie does nothing to amend for your inability to be polite. Honestly, what the FUCK were you thinking?

Tempest in a teapot? Perhaps. Molehill --> mountain? Most likely. But right now, I really don’t fucking care. I predict that someone will now reply with a spoiler box, just to be funny. Hint: fuck off.

While it’s not the end of the world, it would be nice to see g_b offer up an apology, just in the spirit of goodwill.

Any bets on how long it will be before some clever git posts a spoiler box in this thread?

Time to switch to decaf, my dear.

Seriously, I can’t believe someone could get pitted over this silliness.

Dude, you are like so harshing my high with this shit. Chill out, man.

No spoiler boxes, but that’s a pretty lame rant, and if spoiler boxes=>punctured lung, I’d hate to see how you react to a serious affront…

Somebody was going to do it in this thread or the other one. I couldn’t resist, sorry.

You pretty much ask for a spoiler box when you say in your own thread that you don’t like them.

On the other hand, you do have to salute the absolute cleverness, wit, and originality of g_b’s post. I’ve never seen anything like it before, and doubt I’ll ever see it again.:rolleyes:

Nothing to get worked up over.

Kinda looks like the “roll eyes” are looking up to see Bruce_Daddy’s post, doesn’t it?

:rolleyes: back atcha.

Oh, I agree that I’m probably overly worked up about this - I say so in my OP. Casey1505, I knew when I posted that doing so would garner the inkling in someone to want to post a spoiler box, that’s why I requested in that paragraph that people summon enough willpower to not do so (obviously, green_bladder’s willpower was focused on much more important things, like not urinating directly into his hard drive - it’s an urge we all suffer to repress). I even said “please.”

I liken the behavior to having friends over for dinner or a movie, asking them to wipe their feet on the way in, and then someone diliberately goes out in the lawn to step in dog crap so they can track it all over your carpet. I hate it when that happens.

Really, the only reason I’ve gone back to this and the other thread are because I have my own office today, with no coworkers behind me looking over my shoulder.

As a suggestion, how about not posting from a location where you’re so worried about being caught?

That’d be a great idea if I had a choice where I sat, Gary. As it is, I don’t. As a solution, I simply choose to reduce that risk by not reading threads with text that draws attention to itself from 80 feet away.

My coworkers have no problem with people on the internet. I have a problem with being seen on some typical message board. Since the SDMB is not a typical message board (i.e. not “the CoOl3st B04rD evar!!!11one!!”), I’d like people to get that impression.

I’m sorry, I buy a lot of things about how we should treat people on the boards like we would in real life, but I think your foot-wiping analogy is off. I doubt someone would walk their muddy feet through your house just to be “witty,” but I knew from the moment I read your OP (here and in the other thread) that someone would post a spoiler box. It’s obnoxious, but predictable.

Even if the analogy worked for me, if a friend trodded his muddy boots through my living room, I would respond with, “Dude, did you grow up in a barn? Use the mat and wipe your feet.” not “You fucking jackass!!!”

Did you try jjimm’s suggestion in the original thread?

Jabba, I can’t. I’m on a different computer nearly everyday, and I’m also not allowed to download anything. I post from work, as I don’t have a connection at home.

Hey, Munch, I gave you a perfect solution to your problem in the thread - Ghostzilla. Howzabout you utilize this and stop moaning.

Lamest pitting ever.

Well, ok, today’s lamest pitting ever.

Download it and burn it onto a CD. Run it from the CD. Or you can buy their super-special-secret CD for under $10.

You know, great suggestions everyone. jjimm I would, but seriously, it’s just a lot easier to ignore threads with spoiler boxes. It takes no effort at all to hit Alt+Left.

But the fact remains, the reason I wrote this post was to let green_bladder know that his behavior was rude and pissed me off. It wasn’t a “why can’t everyone stop posting spoilers and appease my every whim” thread.

[ul][li]I’m not asking people to not ever post spoilers - I asked people to not post spoilers in one thread.[/li][li]It was a simple request, and a polite one. I certainly don’t think it was unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination.[/li]I’ll repeat - I’m not ranting against spoiler boxes. I’m in the Pit because g_b was inconsiderate. I started a thread that I thought was interesting, asked people to not do one thing so I could continue the conversation, and was thwarted in that attempt.[/ul]

So let me get this straight. You don’t like spoiler boxes because they help get you busted while surfing at work? An obvious solution comes to mind…