QWEST DSL - What do I need to watch out for?

So I shall shortly be joining the world of real computer users. I’m replacing my WebTv (don’t laugh) with a brand new Apple Ibook.

I want/need DSL. I’ve checked on some local providers, and QWEST offers the best deal:

DSL: (256K level) $35 for 12 months, then it goes to $40. I’m in service range and it’s a month-by-month contract for the first 12 months.

ISP: Included in the $35 per month, it’s MSN.com. 6 email addresses

Modem: Free

Install: Self-install of DSL software, said to be Mac compatible

Other access: I travel around Montana, and the $35 is to include 10 hours of dial-up 1-800 access per month. I can work within tha.

Activation fee: None if I install by myself, $99 if QWEST does.

Any other questions I should ask or suggestions?

  1. There is another local company (3 blocks from my house, they provide services to my neighbor across the alley and we’ve drank beer together) but they are $53 per month.

  2. And I know that QWEST sucks for customer service. But I now have the secret QWEST numbers to get in-state help.

  3. I plan to WI-FI soon.

