R.I.P. Robin Williams

Please find something else to joke about. There are Dopers who suffer from depression, or who have loved ones who do, or who have lost lost ones to the illness. It’s not funny.

I didn’t even realize he was back in rehab. What a terrible shame. There was a time when he made me laugh more than anyone else, and he was a damn fine actor too.

Da fuque?

Holy shit.

I always thought his painful scenes, like when he when he was justifying his actions to the judge in Mrs. Doubtfire or his emotional appeal the VC kid in Good Morning Vietnam were the “real” him, and his high-strung, manic acting was just that—acting. He seemed to be a genuinely sad person.

I hope he finally has some peace.


I was surprised to hear he was only 63, for some reason I thought he was in his 70s. Preferred his serious acting, not really a fan of his stand-up or some of his…other roles, still a great loss to the world of both comedy and acting.

Robin Williams. Dead.

I was washing dishes and my first response was, "No, dammit, NO…!”
He was someone who I had hoped to live long enough to go to some show or event or book signing and see. He was someone whose hand I actually wanted to live to shake.

I know he had issues and I know alcohol was a demon for him… but I could have gotten him a coffee or a soda… or dammit even a cold bottle of water on a hot day.
I could have said hi… talked about crap… tried to make him smile the way he made so many others smile.

I hate being so selfish that my first reaction is … dammit… why did you have to end it? So many of us wanted to meet you and to try to get to know you. So many of us… who never had the chance and now never will.

I wish to apologize for being so selfish.

If I may, I’d like to offer my deepest and most sincere sympathies to his family and to his friends for his loss. I only wanted to know him. You knew him… and lost him.

Add me to the chorus of WTF?? Doug Bowe.


Yeah, aceplace57. Bye bye, Mr Mork. Tell the Orkians that, based on your example, we would surely love them. As we love you.

well, I think we’ve got a winner for stupidest post of the day. This post will return in competition for stupidest post of the year. I like its chances!

“…then the real aliens landed, and it wasn’t funny any more.”

That’s the line I always remember him for, way back when. I guess the real alien(ation) finally got the best of him.

Funny, out of all his roles, the one that sticks with me was an odd little one he played on one of the cop dramas in the mid-1980s. The teaser had him and his family walking in a park, and then get slowly surrounded by thugs. Cut to commercial and credits. The opener had him slowly enter his hotel room, sit on the bed, pick up his wife’s negligee, and then slowly crumple into it. It was the finest couple of minutes of acting I ever saw him do, and it told the whole story without a word.

I guess even the best of us hit a breaking point. So sad to hear.

I was not joking. He must have been depressed and I was asking what a happy seeming guy…well, you get the idea. I’m just as shocked as most here.

Sorry if it was misinterpreted.

Found at home today.

Wow, I’m shocked. I thought it was a hoax at first also. When I saw the news story, I could only keeping saying wow. I had just been watching him on youtube in some old interviews. It’s hard to believe he’s gone. He seemed so much bigger than life in those old videos.

I loved Robin Williams’ humor. Maybe it’s an age/generational thing. I’m 53 and grew up on Mork and Mindy, it was great TV for a high schooler. I also enjoyed his dramatic work in The World According to Garp (really enjoyed that movie; IIRC it might’ve been one of John Lithgow’s earliest roles) and also Good Will Hunting as I posted earlier.

One thing about Robin is that I never saw him talking seriously about anything. I didn’t see a lot of his interviews or spontaneous TV reporter talks, but every time I did, he felt like he had to be funny. And God, yes he was. But I couldn’t help but wonder who the real Robin Williams was.

We have lost a comic genius, a very good actor, and a great entertainer. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends and fans.
ETA: glad to see that Doug Bowe says his post was not an attempt at humor. My second paragraph might have something to do with his depression - it’s just a guess.

R.I.P., Robin.

On a related note, this has reminded me how torn I am over the use of Twitter to express condolences and such. On one hand, I get that it’s a fast and immediate way for a celebrity to make a statement. OTOH, I’m not sure why, but I find it… gauche somehow (perhaps because I think of Twitter on some level as a vehicle for empty, vapid, and irrelevant thoughts).

Bye, bye. Sorry to see you go. But really dude, if you were going to watch Popeye on DVD, you shouldn’t have done it alone. Too soon?

He wouldn’t be the first comedian to battle with depression; famously Kenneth Williams, Peter Sellers, even Groucho Marx and many others have another ‘side’ to their comedy persona.

So sad what depression does.

You brought so much laughter to this life. Rest in peace Dear Robin.

No, no, no! This just can’t be true.

Hope he’s at peace, now. Poor guy.