Rachel Dolezal learns what life is really like for many blacks

She lied. But I don’t think it was out of maliciousness, but rather out of craziness. And I still think she is kinda of crazy. Seems to me she probably suffers from a personality disorder.

However, I do hope she finds her way in the world. I wouldn’t wish permanent unemployment on my worst enemy.

Wait do most black people own homes? Because I’m reading statistics that say only 44% do, 46% for hispanics, which I guess could be any race, and 73% of whites.

What, so despite her chronic lying, she actually did some good? Tell me, how did she act to anybody’s benefit but her own?

Race shouldn’t matter, but she made it matter when she stood to gain from claiming to be one race or another. Plus, the chronic lying thing. No way she should be held in any positive light for a lifetime of deception.

“Does not own a home” is not the same as “homeless”, as any renter can tell you.

Yes Broomstick but no less than two posters said most black people own homes, those are the posters I was responding to, trying to fight ignorance here, I was typing on my phone though so I didn’t quote them.

I was unclear on that, now I am clear.

And that is usually seen as a negative when looking for a job.


Honestly, I think this is it right here. He’s not really upset with this crazy Dolezal woman; he’s upset at the world. It’s changin’ man! Fuck that noise!

Are you sure the reason you didn’t quote them is that there wasn’t anyone in this Thread who said what you claim was said? Trying to fight bullshit here.
The statements in this Thread that come closest to the completely imagined statements that you so heroically rush to dispute:

Nobody said anything about home ownership. Nobody except you with your bizarre need to break down home ownership by race as if it had anything to do with the discussion. Someone on the internet is trying to humanize black people! Can’t let that slide! Let’s see… Oooh! Black people still haven’t quite hit the 50% mark for home ownership! Totally o.k. to call black people homeless!!!

Can’t she go back to being lead singer for Tears for Fears?

This rings closest to the truth for me. Hope she finds work for the sake of her kids.

She made up entire stories about what had happened to her. Her past was fake. She lied about having an African American parent to get the job. She did not merely say she identified as black. She lied. We all generally agree this was wrong. We’ve had this conversation before.

It should be obvious who “we” is in this context–the people on this board. For me to say that so authoritatively, we must’ve had a discussion about it.

I also don’t appreciate the implication that I’m some idiot who didn’t think before he posted. I seem to remember you saying you only attacked people when they were attacking you first.

Wow you are retarded, those are the two people I had in mind that made what seem to be factually incorrect assertions, which I questioned on a message board supposedly dedicated to fighting ignorance, I did even make an absolute statement, I just questioned what they said, because relevant or not I thought it might be an interesting sidebar to the larger discussion. If the factual information I posted bothers you then I’m sorry you’re so sensitive.

So…you really can’t see any difference between ‘having a home’, and ‘owning a house’, is that right?

And you’re clearing up the ignorance for others who can’t tell the difference either?

Except you’re the only one confusing the two. To everyone else it was clear. And your so called, ignorance fighting post only served to reveal something unbecoming about yourself, in the end.

Re Pool
so instead of admitting the error of mistaking having a home = to the ownership of a home, it is the attempt to deny by attack…

In what way did they seem to be factually incorrect assertions?

For what it’s worth, there is perhaps an interesting sidebar. The disparity in the home ownership rate is one of the main reasons why there is a persistent wealth gap between blacks and whites. For most people, a house is the only substantial asset they can ever hope to own, and decades of redlining and lending discrimination have pushed many black people into a circle of renting.

Maybe she should run for president. Americans seem to have no problem with a lying, delusional head of state.

She’s be America’s first black female president. Talk about shattering the glass ceiling.

Really Not All That Bright, two posters, said most black people have homes, maybe I read that too literally as have to mean possess I see that now, that may be factually incorrect, though the statistic I quoted may not be correct either. I just thought it was an interesting statistic, maybe deserving a thread of its own, I guess serious discussion in the pits usually go nowhere. But a lot of you read way too much into my post, implying a motive that is not there, I hope this post clears up the misunderstanding.

Yeah, take it from someone ( white ) who grew up in rentals - having a home is not synonymous with owning a home.