Ragu- The spaghetti sauce for kids who have just watched their parents have sex

It’s late, and the wife’s asleep, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to wake her up and ask if she wants to do it “Old World Style”.

Was this ad for regular or meat sauce?

Feed the evil kid first is pretty funny.

But this one is pretty damn bad…

Did somebody say surreal?

My gf is in advertising. We were discussing the Ragu ad, and she showed me Little Baby’s IceCream. Wow.:smiley:

Drilled chicken had me in tears. I also really like the one where the Dad buries the cellphone in the plate of noodles and the kid’s food is “talking” to him.


You don’t hold the spaghetti by the ends to break the strands. You put your fingers next to each other in the middle and bend. Two pieces, not three.

I’m asking for “aha’s sake”…but is this where the not-so-polite term “Spaghetti Bender” came from?

Spaghetti bender

  1. maybe. 2. no.

That or use a bigger pot. Alton Brown advocates (IIRC) a full gallon of water for a pound of pasta. More room to move around in, so less sticking and such.

what difference does it make whether you break the spaghetti or not, you’re just going to cut it all up with a knife and fork before eating it anyway

I don’t know anyone over age 7 who cuts spaghetti before eating it.

Can we get off the dried pasta and get back to sex and spaghetti sauce please?

That’s what she said.

If merely hearing your parents going at it counts as much as walking in on them, then I definitely deserved Ragu many many nights of my childhood.

The horror… the horror!

It’s eight o’clock
and this is why you are supposed to knock!

I think the jingle said something like that. I just saw the commercial on TV last night, for the first time.

Were you gone?

Girlfriend’s Italian-American ex-MIL does; I don’t. Because I know how to cook spaghetti.

If I had walked in on my parents when I was a kid, they’d have had to give me ice cream for dinner, not that wood pulp and paint they call Ragu.

Maybe he planned on growing sea monkeys?