Ragu- The spaghetti sauce for kids who have just watched their parents have sex

Original Recipe or Chunky Garden Basil & Oregano flavor?

Well, it is giving me a craving for pasta sauce–but there’s no way I’m going to go out and buy Ragu. In fact, I find that most commercials wind up helping the competitors more, at least, for me.

I wouldn’t put it past them. Jack in the Box has already done Viagra.

And the boy has already managed to completely block the memory. Otherwise, how could he look her in the face so innocently?

Sing along now!

Every sperm is sacred…

I thought the commercial was funny.

This isn’t a commercial. Its blackmail disguised as a commercial by that chunky little bastard.

He KNEW his parents were into kinky stuff. He set up that camera and “accidentally” walked in on them while mom was dressed as a squirrel and dad as a racoon while “taking care of business”. All that shock on his face is just brilliant acting.

He knows that shit won’t fly where they live in the bible belt. As long as everyone “pretends” it WAS a commercial he gets eat that crap known as Ragu every night. He quits getting his Ragu and its game over man.

Why do you think he’s so damn happy to get Ragu? His monster parents had him eating salad, tofu, bean sprouts and other hippy shit for “his own good”. But his devious master plan worked and now its Ragu all the time baby.

I’ve been thinking…and it hurts.
The kid cam home from school.
Dad ain’t home yet.
Perhaps he caught Mom with the Mailman, or the Meter Reader?

But the song says it’s eight o’clock. Confusion abounds.

Mrs. Plant v.3.0 pointed that out.
I go to great lengths not to listen to C&W.

I stand corrected.

I honestly can’t believe how fucking awesome this commercial (and this subsequent thread) is. I’ve watched it so many times now and I’m getting tears in my eyes.

The look on the kid’s face is too genuine to be acting. You KNOW they got a kid who had seen this before and said, “just imagine that in your head and react naturally.” Or fuck… maybe they really had his parents and told him to go open the door and filmed the actual reaction.

It’s just too perfect.

And then the jingle on top of it is just unreal. This is something that, if SNL did, people would think they were being surreal or weird and hillarious. The fact this is a legit pasta sauce commercial is beyond unbelievable gold.

Bravo Ragu!

I do have to say, the advertising is brilliant. I have no idea what the hell catching your parents screwing has to do with spaghetti sauce, but it gets people talking about your commercial and brand. I mean, I know I’m being a sucker when I share it on Facebook, but it’s just too good not to share.

Well done, ad agency. Well done.

Oh come on, you think they’d pull out the Ragu, with its full flavors and rich texture, for boring old ass-to-ass jelly-donging between mom and dad? Hell naw! This kid saw a full blown Asian bukkake session, with dad in the middle.

“Mom? You washed your hands, right?”

I’ve actually seen this commercial three times today on cable TV. Funny every time.

The other commercials are pretty good. The “evil kid”, “drilled chicken” (makes perfect sense to me), and “braided noodles”.

Well of course people do! How else do you get it to all fit into the water at once so that one end doesn’t start cooking before the other end?

I watched a couple of the other commercials in the series, where several kids are sitting at what could be considered a bar, being served bowls of spaghetti, and sliding one over to a kid who comes in after a particularly trying day (“Participation Award?” “Yeah, it means I lost”) And then there is the whole sliding jar of sauce being caught just like a beer mug scene. So I guess we are to infer that a comforting bowl of Ragu will give you the same kind of stress release as a cold brewski.

One wag I read said “So long as they don’t get Prego.”

Dad: “Billy, want some cheese on that?”

After about 10 seconds in boiling water, the pasta will be pliable enough to fit in the pot. Apparently, some Italians are very opposed to spaghetti breaking. I don’t like to do it because you end up with ten thousand tiny spaghetti shards since they always break into three pieces.