Ralph Nader...Seriously, STFU!

You could describe DC that way overall. But the part that’s dominated by politicians? Maybe not so much.

Based on his support from black voters and his time as a community organizer in Chicago, yes, I do.

Don’t ask me, ask Marley. He respects Obama for challenging McCain to visit “the inner city” rather than Iraq.

What do we mean by “inner city?” Obama hangs out in drug infested gang war zones? Doubtful.

I’m not pretending the guy is a one-man anti-gang squad or anything. I do think he’s actually making some efforts to connect to those areas and he’s offering to do something about their issues; and I am not sure you can say that about McCain.

Yes, Marley23 did bring up that bit but it was you who implied that the challenge was meaningless because McCain spends time in Washington DC. You also implied that everywhere he might go was “inner city” and “ghetto.” I’m sure Obama’s challenge was about an area more specific, bleak, and needful of attention than the general Washington DC area. not Georgetown or some tony other neighborhood John and Cindy are more generally familiar with.

Perhaps you should look up Obama’s time spent organizing in the inner city. I’m sure reading an accurate description of some of the neighborhoods he spent a large part of his early career in would dispel the misconceptions you have.

What part is dominated by politicians?

Okay, so how much time has he spent in a war zone? Are you equating Chicago with Iraq?

Why am I falling for this? Now I’m arguing on behalf of McCain. I’m not voting for him!

What old chestnut? The “Obama is not black enough” complaint is the only thing in this thread that counts as that, and you’re the one voicing it.

Well, you tell me. You’re the one demanding that the man “be black” as if we’re all supposed to know what you’re talking about. Please school me on what it is you’re needing to see from him. Ebonics? A pimp walk? A Jerhi curl? Dude has a black wife and black kids, attended a black church that is affiliated with a decidedly non-white preacher…and yet your litmus test reads Obama as a wannabe white guy. This is craziness to me.

Why did Clinton rise to the top? Why did JFK? Why did Reagan? Why are you asking such stupid questions?

“Raise the roof” and put some Soul Glo in his hair. Duh.

Excuse me, I appear to be in the wrong decade. You know, one of the ones before Ralph Nader went completely off his nut.

Because a man’s reach should exceed his grasp?

Are you telling me that K Street is the inner city? Or the area around the Capitol? I’ve been to DC and I’m aware how poor and seedy a lot of it is.

No, I’m not equating Chicago with Iraq and neither was Obama. What the fuck has this got to do with anything? You asked for something Obama did that any white politician wouldn’t do. That was my answer. When challenged on a foreign policy issue, I don’t believe Average White Politician would ever challenge his opponent to visit an American inner city. Average White Politician would probably have scuffled some answer about already knowing what he needed to know about Iraq. Maybe he would have convinced a black surrogate to say something like what Obama said, but I doubt it, because for the politician we’re inventing here, such a reply would be phony and everybody would know it. And for Obama, as a black guy and as a guy who worked in inner city Chicago for years, I think that’s different.

You’re the one who said “tap dance harder.”

I’m saying “don’t be just another white guy, because if you’re just another white guy what’s different about you? Nothing. Except you’re black.” We need someone truly different. Obama can’t be different, and that’s too bad.

I don’t want a black president dancing the jig as you put it, but I’d like a black president who would say “enough of this poverty and social inequality bullshit, I’m going to do something about it.”

People are all “Obama, Obama, Obama!”
I’m all “why?”
“Obama, Obama, Obama!”
“Obama, Obama, Obama!”
“What’s different?”
“Obama, Obama, Obama!”
“So it’s because he’s black?”
“Obama, Obama, Obama! Don’t be racist!”
“Oh, okay. He’s just another white guy then.”
“Obama, Obama, Obama, you racist!”

Well, what was the point?

He’s still pissy because Hillary lost. If she’d won, it totally would’ve been on the strength of her policies and experience and not because she’s a woman unlike Obama who clearly won because he’s safe black and for no other reason.

His point was that McCain was telling him to visit Iraq when McCain isn’t even paying attention to the needs of so many Americans.

Actually, Chicago is a lot more dangerous than visiting Iraq in a bulletproof vest, with hundreds of guards and air cover like McCain did. For that matter, I’m probably in more danger stepping outdoors than he was in Iraq - I don’t have a small army to keep a random dog or drunk driver from getting me.

So your conditions in Chicago are more important than conditions in Iraq?

Don’t get me wrong. That makes a certain sort of sense. But we’re in Iraq, and we really need to do something about that and according to McCain, it would appear Obama is more comfortable in Chicago which I’ve heard, has really nice restaurants and hotels. Doesn’t Oprah hang out there too?

I second that. One of my pet peeves.

Hell, he shouldn’t visit Iraq! The energy and attention spent keeping a Presidential Candidate safe? Ridiculous waste.

So what you’re saying is, despite leadership positions at several levels, Obama has failed for decades to make Chicago a safe place? :smiley:

What ARE you babbling about ? McCain is the one who brought it up. It was McCain’s attempt to look MANLY and TOUGH, not Obama’s.

Just about everyone on Earth would find Chicago a better place, in large part thanks to our behavior towards Iraq, which McCain wants to continue.

What are YOU babbling about? McCain is perfectly right to ask Obama to visit Iraq, since that’s the huge issue he’s going to inherit as president. Obama is the one trying to sound manly and tough by inviting McCain to visit an ‘inner city’ like he’s never been to one before and can’t handle it, but apparently Obama is all tough & gangsta-savvy & stuff, and this will somehow make him the better president.

Anarchy in Basra will lose you a few votes. Anarchy in Englewood will lose you the election.

*Obviously, I don’t think Chicago is more important than Iraq. American voters, though, don’t give a crap want happens to the rest of the world as long as it doesn’t affect them, for the most part.