Random thoughts about THE SIMS (computer game)

My Sims had a baby! It was pretty cool, you couldn’t leave the little brat alone for more than an hour or social services takes it away from you. (Stupid baby monitor I downloaded didn’t work, dammit…) I can see the evolutionary advantage of a baby’s cry, it makes you want to do anything at all to MAKE IT GO AWAY, short of trapping the cradle by the fireplace and burning the house down.

Stupid maid keeps leaving without cleaning up everything, I tried to fire her today but she walked away too fast. I’ll have to leave one of my characters home just to fire her lazy ass.

Biggest laugh I’ve gotten in the game: when I realized that annoyed grunt the women made before using the toilet is because someone left the seat up. (The Tragic Clown would have been funnier if my family hadn’t been dying of disease at the time.)

Oh yeah, what’s up with those wooden gnomes? A visitor walked up to them and they all EXPLODED!!! Don’t know how badly he got hurt, but after that he got into the hot tub and stayed there for 12 hours straight.

I haven’t managed to get mine to have a baby yet, but boy, does Bella Goth love Bonnie. And Mortimer won’t even talk to Bonnie anymore.
I’m trying to fire the gardener for one family because he pops in, waters about 2 plants, and then he’s gone.

The party balloons that I downloaded got irritating. They pop, and then the family hates that room until someone cleans it up.

Then there’s the single guy. I gave him everything. A total bachelor paradise. He barely talks to anyone, just wants to paint and play the piano, then gets depressed because he’s lonely. He’s pissing me off, that’s what he’s doing. Maybe he needs another guy in the neighborhood that he can flirt with.

You know it’s Easter, it’s rainy, I live alone, the taxes are done and mailed and most stores are closed. I think I see a sims marathon afternoon.

If you have one Sim who has an ex that they are still friends with, it is fun to invite said “friend” over while the current spouse is home, give “friend” a hug in front of the husband, and watch them get in a fist fight.

Making Sims wet themselves has a certain perverse joy to it. And if you don’t clean it up, the other Sims will complain about the smell.

Babies are no fun. You can’t play with them, because they’re asleep. But if they’re awake, they just cry all the time. Feh.

**Lsaura,{/b], check to see if you’ve got a plant stuck where the gardener can’t reach, in a corner somewhere, if that happens the gardener quits early. I had that problem with my family and when I fixed it all of the flowers had to be replanted.

I hate the roaches. They never should have added those. Now every house needs a maid or else you’ll catch the guinea pig disease and die. Almost lost one of my families because of that.

Anyone given birth to a child prodigy? That little girl sure can play Joplin right out of the fucking cradle.

The love triangles are getting complicated, I gotta have Bob make a pass at William so Shenene will put the beat down on him…

Servo the home robot isnt the brightest robot around. One day my dishwasher broke. I had plates all over the place from last nights dinner. Servo tkes one dis,puts it in the washer and floods the kitchen. He is supposed to fix it,but he just puts in another dish. He does the 8 times until he finaly fixes it. At this point my entire kitchen was flooded. Boy did my sims wake up to a surprise;). Also,one day I was playing with the fireworks and blew up the mail man.

This is incredibly, pathetically, sad. I don’t even play the game, I just read threads about it.

That said:
JET, I’ve gotten the impression that if someone angry or depressed approaches your gnomes, he will smash them. He probably wasn’t soaking because he was hurt; he was pissed off and trying to relax.

The gnomes when kicked by guests do explode,and trigger any gnomes in a two tile radious. Your sim cant kick them. I once surrounded my house with gnomes and a guest kicked one…

Balance, I don’t have The Sims either, but I read all the Sim threads as well.

I want The Sims…

Almost lost my White Trash family again last night, not from a roach infestation like last time, but apparently from sheer neglect. The crack-addict wife Shenene hit near zero on her social rating, causing her to neglect basic hygeine & sleep to start conversations with people. Unfortunately, most of her exchanges consisted of insults and bitch-slaps which made things worse. Not even the Newbies’ child prodigy daughter could cheer her up. Finally she refused to cook dinner for the children anymore, who began starving. William was so miserable he missed two days of work and got fired. The kids resorted to calling for pizza and eating whatever snacks they could find in the fridge.

Eventually, the Grim Reaper came for bedridden Shenene, and vanished as William came to her bedside two steps ahead of the Reaper. This prompted action from the community – Bob & Betty Newbie, using their influence through the state assembly and local hospital, secured a $10,000 grant from the “Rosebud” Foundation for new kitchen equipment, furniture, and house extensions. Of course, the Newbies received a nice kickback about equal that – hey, that’s how it works in real life. :slight_smile: So the Newbies can finally afford Servo The Robot, and Jeff Pleasant is enjoying his new telescope paid for by tax write-offs from all the old furniture he donated.

Meanwhile, Bob & Jeff secretly long for each other, Betty’s got her heart set on every other woman in town, and Diane Pleasant got bored with her homemaker life to become a street musician.

I’m not getting too far gone into this game, am I?

JET, all kids are music geniuses. They don’t have to learn creativity, they already have it.

That said I just got through the nightmare phase with the baby my newest Sims had. Those three days just suck.

The baby stuff is easy if you have a system:

Get an awesome couch, put the baby near the couch, have adult sleep on the couch, they wake faster that way when baby cries.

Assign one adult to baby,have other adult, (or siblings) do all the cleaning, cooking (adult only of course), so the baby watcher only has to sleep, wash/toilet and eat.

Alternate the adult as needed to keep them rested and fed, and working, they can take turns staying home, send the tired one to work.

I must confess that I have installed The Sims on my computer, but as yet haven’t even looked at it. Pretty lame eh?

Ouch! Hitting kinda’ close to home here.

Except the piano thing…

I’m just testing a theory here. But how many of you Sims addicts female?

My girlfriend is big into the Sims, wheras I can’t get into it. At work the only folks who I know who play with it are women also.

You think it’s a female nurturing / social interaction / family dynamics / home building thing? Perhaps something that guys lack?

Ok, does anyone know how to remove skill points? My lounge singer keeps getting promoted to high school teacher because her mechanical is too high. Maybe a cheat program?

Have you ever designed yourself and people you want to live with? I ended up hating everyone in my house. Funny thing, I don’t hang with those people that much anymore…

OK, I pissed away some serious cash on Flight Simulator 2000, Mechwarrior 4 and a new Sidewinder Joystick. They have sat next to my copies of Civ II Gold, SimCity 2000, The X-Files Game, Links 2000, and Starcraft gathering dust. Of them I’ve never installed Flight Simulator, played the others (excluding Civ II) a grand total of 10 times over the last 2 years (which ironically is the same time I discovered the SDMB) and I am still nearly tempted to buy The Sims. I too have read alot of the threads, and it sounds fun. Of course I’m sure i’ll buy it and never have the time or inclination to play, and/or I’ll end up agreeing that this game is intended strictly for the female of the species.

Damn you people.

[sub]Ashamed to admit that the biggest attraction to the game is that I can toy with the Sims sexuality, get them naked, and then try and structure a world that is all geared towards enticing the women into a giant lesbian orgy[/sub]

God, that Servo Robot is an idiot. It only cleans half the house and then vanishes. What’s up with that shit? Now I have to re-hire the maid…

Wahoo! My bachelor got married. Robert Jefferson married Lilith West. :slight_smile: She turned him down the first time he asked though-said she couldn’t even consider such a thing on an empty stomach.

Finally-I’ve not gotten any to get married before. Now I just have to get them to have a baby so they can go through baby torture.