Rant-a Claus is coming to town! (December mini-rants)

Thank you Colorado tollway for the 5 month anniversary of my visit and finally you get around to billing me for the fourth and final leg of 1 rt visit to DIA. And oh btw, clarify your signage for passengers arriving!

We are on day 4 of a boil water advisory after the freeze from last week wrecked the water system. Boiling water is annoying and I don’t have many containers to put it in. But at least I have water. Some people don’t. Anyway, I haven’t been cooking since I can’t do dishes. I’ve been using the microwave a lot. And tonight the plate stopped revolving. Not the end of the world. I can work around that. But I just bought it two weeks ago. Now I’ll have to schlep the fucking heavy thing back to Target for a replacement. I hadn’t thrown the box out, though. I kept putting off breaking it down. I’m glad of that now.

Sometime between crawling out of bed this morning and arriving at my mother’s home 3 hours away, the Free Libre sensor on my arm that had a week left to go fell off. No idea where it is. Now I’m back at my home and the damned phone won’t shut up about putting a new one on.

I wonder if insurance allows a replacement if one is lost like that?

No idea, but have you tried poking around beside and under your car seats?

my cat will be getting this sensor next week. so far the longest any cat had kept the devise on… 3 days.

i hope you can easily get a replacement.

They make diabetes sensors for cats? Whoa! :astonished: :astonished:

Luckily I had just picked up a prescription the day before, so I was able to replace it when I got home. And I finally found the one that fell off in my bathroom. Good thing it fell off there, too, as it’s one of the few rooms in the house I keep the door closed to, so Eddy had no chance to step on it. It landed spike side up, so that could have gotten ugly.

no, just putting the human one on a cat. lager’s (the white cat) numbers are all over the place, so how ever long we can keep it on him will help to know what is going on. his poor ears are taking a beating with daily poking.

glad you found the one that fell off.

I’m sick of my father-in-law’s misogynistic shit. Ever since his divorce he thinks he’s “polyamorous” now - which fine, a legit lifestyle choice, I don’t mind. But he seems to think it means treating women as interchangeable, expendable objects and loudly and inappropriately talking about sex at every opportunity. He boasts about how many women he’s got on his schedule and as soon as one leaves he boasts about how she’s instantly replaced. He has repeatedly implied in front of the whole family that he wants to fuck his daughter’s birth mother. He even commented on his daughter’s fiancee’s ass (she is a woman) during the wedding rehearsal.

We’ve been trying to get him back into our lives since part of his new lifestyle consisted of constant international travel throughout the pandemic. But do I really want this guy in our lives? In my son’s life?

He has been asked repeatedly, by his son, his daughter, his adult nieces, pretty much everyone impacted by his behavior to shut the fuck up. And he will not stop. He either enjoys being shamed or he enjoys making people uncomfortable.

My husband replied to the latest text message saying if he ever mentions sex again in any context, he will be blocked indefinitely. I doubt it will get through to him.

It’s the second to last day of my contract (my choice), and when I logged into the time reporting web-site, my password had expired. It’s of course not any big deal, but just annoying to have to cycle it for the very last time I’ll ever need access to the site.

If anyone wants to hack in, the new password is:

This is the website that decided that having three consecutive numbers in a password is insecure, so I had to change from my standard “.123” suffix to “.12”.


Not okay, because that’s being a shitty human.

This is forcing non-participants in one’s sex life to be unwilling participants in one’s sex life. That is A-Grade 120% Not Okay.

Doubt she wants to fuck him. So sorry, poor guy.

That’s such a dude-bro move. Tell him he’s the dick version of a Basic Bitch.

I just gave him an earful. And added that I will not tolerate that shit around my son. And I made it clear it was the last time I was going to address it directly. Next steps are ignore, distance, block.

Not to put to fine a point on it, but I have dealt with sexually inappropriate father figures all my life. I have been trying to figure out how to make nice with him about it and realized fuck that noise, I’m a grown-ass adult, I can totally tell him to fuck off. I’m not obligated to continue a relationship that makes me uncomfortable for any reason.

That’s personal growth!

Yes! Go Spice_Weasel!

I am at work with very little to do and I hate not having anything to do. It’s BOOORRRIIINNNNNGGGG.

Could it be a preliminary to Alzheimers? Sometimes there is that disinhibition which is a warning sign.

Me too. Plus we had a new employee start this week and we can’t even train her on anything because it seems like the whole rest of the world took the week off.

I love slow days at work. Of course, I work from home and can use the time to surf the web.

I read the whole internet this week. And boy are my eyes tired!

I have a ton to do and I’m bracing myself for some January craziness. I always tell myself I’m going to work between Christmas and New Year’s, but I never get much done. And yes pretty much everyone disappears, so it’s not like you can get much done anyway. But theoretically I could be inputting data manually into a new grants management system right this second. Can’t imagine why I’m not doing that.

I’m not at work this week, but I do know that there were “budget issues” (reinforced by upper management’s failure to close work early last Friday, which had sort of become tradition since not much work would have been getting done anyway). I wouldn’t want to be there this week… Who knows what they’re trying to rush out the door.

I do like being at work during slow times; it gives me a chance to tidy my office (or catch up on my reading). I even have an outline in place for straightening up part of the document control room, with the blessing of the document control lady.

I recently got a new microwave oven. It has a LOT of mostly-BS settings buried in its menus. One of which turns off the turntable.

Whenever I get a new gizmo I’ve forever pushing the wrong buttons because e.g. the new oven’s Settings button is where the old oven’s Start button was. etc.

Before you go to the trouble to schlep the thing back to the store you might try reading the manual & playing with whatever settings it has. You may have turned the turntable off inadvertently.

He sounds like a real turd-bird. And as someone already suggested up-thread, this kind of change is often an early warning sign of dementia.

OTOH somebody who spent a decade or more in an unhappy marriage doing without sex may well be really, really excited to be getting some again. This may be the first good news he’s had in decades. Just like anyone with a new hobby, they’re all in about it.

That does not excuse talking about it with family members & kids, nor does it excuse objectifying misogyny. But it may explain why it’s top of mind with him.