Rant-a Claus is coming to town! (December mini-rants)

In a situation like that I’ll gather our dogs together and one will refuse to make eye contact.

You know that there’s a whole thread for this kind of stuff, right?

I am having a bad day. Work feels too hard, I have so much to do around the house, the baby is still having pooping and skin problems, the girl started having accidents randomly, money is really effing tight, and I feel like exploding. My psychiatrist says that my reaction to stress could be fixed in therapy but, right now, that feels like just one more chore I have to do.

Oh, and my earbuds got stolen off my desk at work.

You’re very lucky to have a small child in the age of Bluey!

I am. The show has some great messages. I worry that some are lost on her, but hopefully something sticks.

Case in point… There was one episode I recall (I haven’t watched a lot of them but I remember this one in particular) where one of the pups (I want to say it was Bingo and not Bluey) got the chance to take a toy home from school, and the toy stays with the family for a week, sort of like an exchange student. And they make a scrapbook of the activities they did. But everyone spent all of their time on devices (tablets, phones, etc.) and the photos they took involved people staring at their things and not actually doing anything. This led to a realization that they didn’t get out and do things enough, and needed to actually be social and have real activities.

My daughter, if given a chance (and we don’t allow this often) will stare at a tablet all day long. I asked her if that episode taught her anything about why her tablet time needs to be limited and she said no. She seemed completely oblivious to it. Now, maybe she just didn’t admit it and was too embarrassed, but she seemed genuinely confused.

Anyway, it does seem like an interesting show with good lessons and I’m glad she likes it.

It’s not quite the same situation. That thread is about things that actually disappear. My story is about a thing that never actually existed, at least not where I thought I saw it.

Dogs are just too darned honest and conscientious for their own good!

Although in this instance the theft in question was a tuna sandwich. It would be cats that I would round up for questioning. :smiley:

Waste of time. Cats are lying liars who lie.

Years ago I put a frozen muffin on the counter to thaw. My gf had made multigrain muffins that were so good, and this was the last one.

I walked out of the kitchen, grabbed my phone, and returned less than a minute later to find the muffin gone. I knew immediately what happened. I ran downstairs and there was Ella, getting comfortable on her bed, with my muffin in her mouth.

Ella was a good dog, the muffin was just too tempting. She dropped the muffin into my hand and turned away in shame.

Twenty minutes later my gf came home. I told her the story about Ella, as I sat eating my muffin, which she assumed was a different muffin. She was going to the barn and offered to take the soiled muffin to give to the chickens, but then she remembered that there’d been just one left.

Unless they’re lying cats.

I hope you get a good’s night’s rest and tomorrow is a better one for you. Like my husband says, “Sometimes my wife just needs to be turned off and turned on again.”

…Ok that sounds weird, but it’s a reference to IT Crowd, where the solution to tech problems is generally to restart the system.

We all know the Off/Back On style of advanced tech support.

In fact, a friend is working on “A project at Apple that cannot be confirmed nor denied to be their self-driving car”.

I’ve told him i want to be the first AppleCar mechanic, all repairs done by phone:
“Okay, Gladys, you’ve turned it off, now… turn it back on, annnnd… oh, good, glad it’s working! No, no, really no bother, feel free to call again next week.”

Hi. Is the NYT on strike? Because I don’t ever want to cross a picket line.

They were today, but I think it was only for today.

Colbert just said we should show solidarity by not going to the NYT website… OR playing Wordle!


Ok, which mod wants to write down a five-letter word for all the rest of us to guess?

Tried to pay my Comcast bill earlier today. I always call their number, their caller ID plucks my phone number and pulls up my account, I confirm payment, boom done.

Not today. Got an automated mssg that “an ongoing third-party issue is preventing us from taking payments over the phone.”

It hastened to chastise ME that to prevent service interruptions, I need to log in to my online account, yadda yadda.

I don’t have an account or else don’t know my login, don’t feel like jumping thru those hoops after all this time, and am thoroughly unimpressed with an ISP that can’t even manage automatic phone payments, let alone staff some temporary CSRs to take my fucking money already.

Yeah, my bad - on first read I missed the part about you finding the sandwich in the closed bag, I thought it had just vanished.

It helped, not gonna lie. It also helped to get some distance from work and realize that all the problems are fixable. I was spending a little too much time blaming myself for every little thing that went wrong.

As for the home stuff, that’ll get better too. I just need to give it time.

My minirant for today - I really miss my damn earbuds. They were good earbuds and I liked walking around, listening to music and not being wired to my phone. But they are gone now because someone wanted to steal them. Jerks.

Loki woke me up at 5 am wanting to go out. I let her out and waited patiently. Two minutes later my Fi app alerted me that Loki had left her allowed area. Damn. I put on my barn shoes and went after her. The Fi collar and app worked great. It showed me on a map where she was and where my phone (me) was. I jogged after her (in pajama pants and a tshirt).

I caught up to her about 1/2 mile into the woods, likely following the scent to a deer gut-pile. She was shocked that I caught her but came home peacefully.

I won’t cross a picket line.

That said, what’s a 5-letter word to tell that plagiarist and material thief Colbert to go stick it up his ventriloquist-dummy sized suit pants?

Makes perfect sense to me.