At [link deleted]
One was shaped exactly like a pretzel. Im sure the guy tampered with it and moved it around with his hand or something to look like one.
At [link deleted]
One was shaped exactly like a pretzel. Im sure the guy tampered with it and moved it around with his hand or something to look like one.
Yeah…I’ve seen that site…
Where’s the barfy smile?
This thread title reminds me of a song…
*Rate that poo!
Give the dog some doo!
Step on a crap!
Fart in yo’ momma’s lap!
When a big turd comes around
You must poop it!
You will never flush it down
'Less you poop it!
Groan and sigh and frown
Until you poop it!
I say poop it!
Poop it good!*
Already in Use: Lowering the tone of the boards since 2002. It’s not taking as long as I thought.
Ummm… anyone else think that guy should see a DOCTOR??? Sheesh!
His poor colon… O-U-C-H!
That has to be the most idiotic website ever created in the history of the WWW.
Just my two cents…
Not only do I refuse to follow the link to that site …
but why am I even reading this thread???
I wonder that myself
I got a cool book for my kids entitled “Everyone Poops”
It is cute. It shows all kinds of poop.
Where’s the P you ask?
Running down my leg!! Hardy har har!!
It’s just to show that some people don’t have much excitement these days.
Guy1:“helo, i’m Bob”
Guy2:" Bob who?"
Guy1:“Does “Shit REALLY hit the fan” mean anything?”
Guy2:“OOOooh…THAT Bob…”
I knew what this thread was about before I opened it.
Man, that’s one crazy site.
I’ve opened that site in the past. I still remember the painful gagging that ensued.
Agreed. That’s truly revolting.
but there was this one poo that I thought was clearly a three or a four, but instead everyone gave it a ten! Shitting hell.
I don’t think so, Sinful.
Cajun Man ~ SDMB Moderator