Rate the bullshit level of this story of a man dying in police custody.

Quick summary: In Jonesboro, Arkansas, police claim that a young man in their custody committed suicide by shooting himself, while his hands were shackled behind his back, in the head, with a gun he somehow retained possession of though they had searched him twice.

Here’s a link.

This really belongs in the Pit, but I don’t much care for that part of the board.

Oh, and I chose option four.

Frankly, i wasn’t there and I’m about as suspiscous about the press sensationallizing a story as I am about the Police being overly agressive.

My personal opinion is that it happened pretty closely to how the police have let on. While I think the Police are overly aggressive at times, this doesn’t fit that profile of beating someone while they are on the ground and submissive.
I think if we were let on to the details of the event, it would be easier to understand how someone could do this. Was he really handcuffed? was he handcuffed in the front or back? was it a small gun easily concealed in baggy clothes. were the windows rolled down or up? were they shot out? Was he trying to dump the gun but accidently shoot himself?

These are all details I don’t know.

Why would they shoot a dude who is handcuffed in the back of a car?

Option 4 is how I feel, but I picked 2 because there’s some weird chance that that they didn’t search him well, or left a gun in the car, and he managed to pull the trigger and the bullet ended up in his head. So once they investigate I’m sure they’ll find out the cops are lying and it’s manslaughter at a minimum.

They’re jerking off by intimidating a helpless guy and the gun goes off by accident, charitably. Or it’s just the Pulp Fiction thing with the guy in the back of the car, and they don’t know Keitel’s phone number.

The old “shit happens” defense!

This part has me wondering.

How does a man with his hands cuffed behind his back shoot himself in the head?

As my cousin commented on Facebook, “Plastic Man could do it.” But that theory presents its own difficulties, as Plastic Man (a) could have escaped handcuffs without difficulty and thus would have no reason to commit suicide; (b) is invulnerable to bullets and thus would not be dead; and (c) is a goddamn comic book character, and thus only slightly less fictional than the official police report.

Just to be CLEAR…I’m not defending the police department. However, to say that they obviously executed the dude in the back of the car because he’s left handed? Idiotic.

Put your hands behind your back like they were cuffed. See how far you can reach. I can certainly reach most of my waistband. I can bring my leg up and get to my sock. I can even reach in to my front jeans pocket.

“He couldn’t do it, he was handuffed!” doesnt’ work. He could have done it, it just remains to be seen who is, in fact, responsible.

And I voted #2, but I agree with half of #3…it’s certainly negligence, and possibly some lying.

I understand your desire for a less “sensational” version. Here is the police report. You may wish to scroll to page three for the narrative.

Who said that? It wasn’t me, as I’m not inclined to believe the young man was shot in the police car.

He could have shot himself in the right temple with his hands cuffed behind his back?

And if the dashboard cam DOES support the police officer’s story? And calling in the FBI seems to be a good way to get to the truth and not a good way to cover it up.

I went with option 4, I have been trying to figure a way to do this(shoot myself while handcuffed) and cannot. It is remotely possible he shot himself while trying to ditch the gun but the combination of events is so far fetched as to be close to impossible. If there are powder burns on the temple it is murder.


I don’t think it’s likely, but I could imagine him holding the gun behind his back at about waist level, pointing upwards, then arching his back and turning his head to the side and backwards as far as he could, then he might be able to hit his temple.

Why not? It wouldn’t take a contortionist. He lookes like a pretty slender guy, as am I, and I don’t have any trouble positioning my hands and head so that would be possible. Imagine him trying to dig the gun out from wherever it was concealed and ditch it in a panic…accidentally pulling the trigger. Why not?

I would need to know what the witnesses say, and what the dashboard cam shows. I suppose it’s possible, if he pulled the trigger with his thumb, leaning over to the side, or something like that. But an external investigation would be nice.


If you add in a ricochet or other bizarro-world type thing that sometimes happens, maybe. Which is what somebody needs to rule in or out.

Yup? And from the police report, it sounds like his hands were between him and the seat when he was found (difficulty uncuffing him in that position), so it was quite possible that the gun was intentionally or accidentally wedged behind his back in his attempt to either kill himself or ditch the gun, which would allow a gun to be aimed in such a situation.

Agreed that an external investigation would be helpful.

Wait, so you think he was shot outside the car, the dragged over to it and placed in it? Beside a road that, from the story, sounds like it had traffic on it at the time? Without any of the police officers getting covered in blood? And with the other suspect there?