Read my tarot

For such specifics, I had to consult my Lucky Astrology Mood Watch [sup]tm[/sup], it said ‘Plaid’.

Well, I said I’d report on the accuracy. Here it is.

Fiancée got cold feet. Decided she’s comfortable in her solitary life and doesn’t want to get married. I have to make decisions about what I’m going to do with my life. I doubt I’ll ever fall in love again. I’m not sure what direction to take. I’m still looking for a job.

I see no irony, and have had no surprises that I can think of other than suddenly not being engaged. I have not been in any situations that would require me to agree with someone I don’t want to agree with, and my goals at the moment are in flux.

Score: 50%

Indeed, I was tempted to try to get a job selling new Hondas. Didn’t like the hours, and I didn’t like the $349 fee payable to AutoMax for their seminar. (Not that I would have paid it anyway.) I didn’t take the job.

A professional or romantic matchmaking situation is a little broad. I am circling around a video studio, and there is potential there. I’m working with them on a short video, and we’ll do my own 16mm short film in a couple of months.

Big miss: My mom died. Nothing about that here.

Score: Hard to say. 50%?

Business partnership. A friend of mine owns a video studio. He offered me all of the work I can handle, and said I’m the only one he trusts with a camera. He also suggested we pool our resources to form a production company. (He has access to money, I have some film experience and a lot of film gear, and another guy has some good ideas.) But this is in the future. Does it count as a ‘business partnership’ when the videography won’t start for a couple of months, and the creative partnership won’t start until later? I don’t think so. I’ll give this one 75%.

I had no worries about back-stabbers. 0%.

Overindulging in drink is never a factor. 0%.

It’s been a decent month for money. We’re slowly settling my mom’s estate, and I was able to put some money in the bank – enough so that I am considering getting a second, more-efficient (used) car. 100% on that prediction.

Overall: (75% + 0% + 0% + 100%)/4 = 43.75%

Nothing remarkable happened this month. No conflicts, no self-questioning.


Anyone want to do one for me? I’ve never had one done, so I don’t know what’s involved. Do I need to tell you something about myself to get started, or is it something you just do ‘cold’?

No news of illness or death. Maybe the timing is off though. I found out last week that an aunt has cancer and has three or four months to live. Although she is my dad’s sister-in-law, most of the family haven’t heard from her or my dad’s brother for a long time due to a falling out. I can’t say I’m really troubled by the news; but it is a data point. How do I rate this? 0% because it didn’t happen in May? 100% because the prediction was off by only a day or two? 50% because I’m not ‘troubled’ by the news?

The other half of the prediction wasn’t a prediction; it was advice. As it happens, I did ‘get the hell outta Dodge’ last month. It was not ‘just for the sake of enjoying it’ though – I was on a mission. Still, it was fun and I think it helped to solidify future plans.

No percent rating this month, because of the confusion mentioned above.

Well, well, well! This one is interesting. I seriously thought I’d be employed by now, and the fact that I’m not does cause anxiety. And there has been discussion of an ‘offer’. As I said last month, we went down to L.A. Jerry decided that he wanted to move back to L.A. I decided that as long as we could make enough money to keep my house in the PNW, I’m in. As for the offer: Jerry’s looking for a business partner. Whether in Bellingham or in L.A., I would bring my film gear (cameras, lots of lighting, camera support, etc. – not to mention the PowerBook, on which I am editing video) and experience to the business, and Jerry will bring his video gear, editing suite, and experience in the business. No capital outlay makes it an ‘easy decision’. Of course, the decision was made in May; not June.

July’s prediction is also interesting, since Jerry has a few rather optimistic ideas. His hunches are usually pretty close to what happens (see the thread on the live news coverage we did last weekend, re: lighting and weather). On the other hand, some of his ideas are, as I said, ‘optimistic’. We’ll see what happens next month.

On another note: My aunt died earlier than expected, in June; but not in May.