For those of you who missed the free-for-all thread:
I did some Tarot readings for some posters and after talking it over with my SO, I decided to do another thread for fun & practice. For those of you who posted on the free-for-all, please repost if I did not get to your question.
The Catch:
Now, you didnt really think there wasnt going to be a catch to this did you? Save your money, I’m not asking for a penny! However… to keep the true spirit of things (especially for the sceptics), your “Reading” may be from cards I pull, OR they may be something I made up completely (because, yes, I am that creative!). It’s your job to decide if I am a hoax, plausible, or “the real deal”.
I will provide Projammer with a copy of who got what so there shouldnt be any question on the validity of the readings.
This is for entertainment purposes only whether it be yours, mine, or someone elses.
The rules are pretty simple.
- Choose an active question and not a passive one (see examples*).
- Be specific/precise. Name the relevant people and places whenever possible. Identify the situation or issue clearly.
- Concentrate on the question and write it down, tuck it away.
- DO NOT tell me what your question is.
- Decide on what kind of reading you want (see options +)
- Post on the board that you are ready & the reading you want.
- After your ‘reading’, post if you think it was a real spread or made up without cards.
- No Snarky remarks - this is a game, not to be taken seriously.
*Sample questions:
“Would this job with [X Company] be good for me at this time?”
“What can I do to make the chances of being promoted as a X better?”
- Types of Readings:
1.Yes or No (alhtough the reading may provide options and not necessarily a direct yes/no answer)
One Card Reading.
These are good for asking general, open ended questions like “What primary thing do I need to learn from this [specific] experience?” -
Relationships (love, work, family). Please specify which of the three.
If love-related, please indicate if there is a specific person in mind. -
Yearly Outlook.
This is a general, “what’s in store for me” type reading. -
This is for those who have to make a decision and not sure which way to go.
PS There is no rhyme or reason to the pecking order, I “go with the flow” so please do not be upset if I do not pull in order.