Test Subjects Wanted (clothing optional) Part II

For those of you who missed the free-for-all thread:

I did some Tarot readings for some posters and after talking it over with my SO, I decided to do another thread for fun & practice. For those of you who posted on the free-for-all, please repost if I did not get to your question.

The Catch:

Now, you didnt really think there wasnt going to be a catch to this did you? Save your money, I’m not asking for a penny! However… to keep the true spirit of things (especially for the sceptics), your “Reading” may be from cards I pull, OR they may be something I made up completely (because, yes, I am that creative!). It’s your job to decide if I am a hoax, plausible, or “the real deal”.

I will provide Projammer with a copy of who got what so there shouldnt be any question on the validity of the readings.

This is for entertainment purposes only whether it be yours, mine, or someone elses.

The rules are pretty simple.

  1. Choose an active question and not a passive one (see examples*).
  2. Be specific/precise. Name the relevant people and places whenever possible. Identify the situation or issue clearly.
  3. Concentrate on the question and write it down, tuck it away.
  4. DO NOT tell me what your question is.
  5. Decide on what kind of reading you want (see options +)
  6. Post on the board that you are ready & the reading you want.
  7. After your ‘reading’, post if you think it was a real spread or made up without cards.
  8. No Snarky remarks - this is a game, not to be taken seriously.

*Sample questions:
“Would this job with [X Company] be good for me at this time?”
“What can I do to make the chances of being promoted as a X better?”

  • Types of Readings:

1.Yes or No (alhtough the reading may provide options and not necessarily a direct yes/no answer)

  1. One Card Reading.
    These are good for asking general, open ended questions like “What primary thing do I need to learn from this [specific] experience?”

  2. Relationships (love, work, family). Please specify which of the three.
    If love-related, please indicate if there is a specific person in mind.

  3. Yearly Outlook.
    This is a general, “what’s in store for me” type reading.

  4. “Fork-in-the-Road”
    This is for those who have to make a decision and not sure which way to go.

PS There is no rhyme or reason to the pecking order, I “go with the flow” so please do not be upset if I do not pull in order.


Okay, I’ll try you. :slight_smile:

I want a yearly outlook reading.

I’d posted a request in the Lost Weekend thread, but looking at this OP I don’t think my question was specific enough – so give me a general outlook reading, please. (Does this mean we should wait a year before indicating how accurate it was?)

I could use a #5

Stay at home, or go get a job?

(Not getting nude, sorry.)

My question is still the same and it’s a fork in the road type. Thank you.

Did you get fired from your last job because you didnt follow directions? :dubious
Go back to school. Even if it’s your child’s, at least it’s a start.

Now, on a serious note… cough you werent supposed to post the question.
Silly goose :smiley:

I’ll take a #3, no specific person in mind.

Sept 23 - Oct 31
Learn to see the lighter side of life and dont take yourself too seriously. humour is a precious thing, and can often resolve an uncomfortable situation more easily than an argument.

nov 1-dec 21
you have the ability to appeal to the emotions of others to make your point. You’re at your most persuasive right now!
however, this is also the time where your emotional life is at its uppermost at the moment, in phase with the moon. if it’s a full moon, anticipate romance and contentment. The half-moon helps you see both sides of a question and a crescent moon may leave you emotionaly vulnerable. the new moon instructs you to hide your emotions and appear cool and contained.

dec 22-jan 31
Co-operation and teamwork is in order to achieve joint objectives. Let everyone have their fair say, relax, and friendly, informal discussions will lend to some amazing results.

Feb 1- March 19
Now is the right time to gather with like-minded people to defend what is important to you, on a personal, local, or even global level.

March 20-April 30
There are serious problems coming your way. Despite the struggle, you will find the strength to survive. Take advantage of any help your friends offer -and give help unstintingly too, where it is needed.

Your life right now is centered on your workplace. Depending on your circumstances, your day-to-day survival depends on your own self sufficiency, or co-operation with co-workers, all pulling together to accomplish set goals. Resign yourself to the task, remembering that there will be time for rest and relaxation at the end.

June 21- july 31
You thought you were busy the last couple of months? Well hold on because it’s only going to get busier! Pressure will be on you to finish a work or acedemic project, and plan the next stage of your assignment. Dont be tempted to stint. Once it’s finished you can take the time to relax, but now you have the energy and opportunity to shine.
Now is also a good time to make changes to your personality or lifestyle.

Aug 1- Sept 22
Assertiveness is now called for. Dont let anyone try to tell you what to do, or belittle your views. Outright aggression may not be appropriate, and usually causes more trouble than it’s worth, but you should stand your ground and defend your “territory” - your ideas and beliefs, your friends or family, your job or interests - without encroaching on other people’s. Expect respect and dont give in if it’s not forthcoming.

AND! (I had keyboard issues and forgot to enter your current state)
Recently you have been focusing on your health - whether this be changing your eating habits, or a nagging cough that wont go away. See that doctor if you need to!

Current state of mind:
You need assistance with personal matters, advice on the best life path to choose to become the person you wish to be. (ok, i poop-you-not - this seriously was the card I pulled)

Outside influences:
A powerful protective force is guarding you, a strong mother-figure to look to for support. Her unconditional love will give you assurance to overcome your problems, and go forth with confidence.

If you are a mother, one of your children may need your support in a situation beyond your control. They may be afriad to admit it: you can help best by being open, non-judgemental, and understanding.

The result of your favored choice:
Awareness, respect, and harmony.
Be aware of the land, be aware of others.
Respect the land, respect others.
Lead by example.

The result of your less favored choice:
There are enemies working against you, blackening your name, or stealing your assets.
Consider why this is happening: have you offended someone? Is someone trying to alienate you or cause you trouble - or have you been doing this to someone else? If so, beware of approaching vengeance! :eek:

I would appreciate a yearly outlook reading.

Thanks :smiley:

You/your state of mind:
Strongly energized, an ability to command, leader

Your forecast:

Sept 23- oct 31
You are on the right path & moving in a good direction. Great joy and great accomplishment are within your reach.

Nov 1- dec 21
Welcome adventure into your life. Try something you’ve never done before.
Dont be so caught up in the future that you cant see whats happening now.
Dont complicate matters, dont look for hidden and subtle meanings and motivations because they are not there. What is needed is a trusting heart and childlike wisdom.

Dec 22- jan 31
This is a time to stop saying “I cant” and take a look at “I can” instead.
There may be something important in your life that is being held back by negative attitudes, but you have a choice about your attitude and can change them when they are not helping you.

Now is the time to clear out the old before dealing with the new.

Feb 1-march 19
What are you really afraid of?
Now is a time for deep soul-searching to discover that your true fears are hidden behind your false fears. It is impossible to face a false fear because it continually changes form and is without substance. Facing a real fear is much easier because it doesnt keep changing the rules.

March 20-april 30
There may be confusion about what is really true, or you are being silent when you should be speaking up. Lies have been revealed. Using common sense is important. Exercising good sense is of some urgency lest you wind up head over heels.

May 1 (Mayday)- june 20
Dont let yourself get caught up in life’s flaws, for if you do you will become impulsive, unthinking, gullible, and lost in dreams that never get translated into reality. There will be a tendency to live in fantasy and deny reality, and there is a definate lack of grounding. Be careful not to get lost in fantasy, even though reality may not be as happy or comfortable. If you get lost for too long, you will start seeing the worst in everything & everyone, and expect the worst from life - and you will get just that.
Someone needs to be an adult here.

June 21- july 31
When things seem especially obscure, you need to ask yourself "How can I learn to be more quiet within myself? More peaceful? How can I better listen to the song of knowledge and wisdom?

Aug 1
It is not good to make decisiosn when blinded by lust. Whether it is lust for a person, a thing, or an idea, you need to pause and take your time before making actual commitments. Read the fine print, check out the foundations, get a mechanic to check out that os-beautiful second-hand car.
If you are considering making a commitment to other people, take your time and get to know them better… much better. This is another lesson in seeing the truth behind a beglamoured surface, though in this case it is you who has cast the glamour.

Thanks, Pixilated. I’ve printed this out and will let you know later how relevant it turns out to be.

I’ll take a yearly outlook one…

I’ll pick up on more readings tomorrow.

I picked up a couple of more sets of tarot that I’m thinkin about using.

You/your state of mind:
Honest, compassionate

Sept 23- oct 31
Someone in your life who normally gets it wrong will get it right just this once.
Gratitude and praise are in order, maybe they’ll get it right next time, too.

Nov 1- dec 21
Now is the time to focus and really concentrate on a project or process, especially one involving the creative arts. Spontaneity balanced by self-discipline will help you achieve your goals. Strive for elegance and simplicity. This is the time to bring out and share qualities that you have nurtured in private.

Dec 22- jan 31
Information is available to you if you will listen to your own inner knowing. Perhaps you have heard it and still doubt your subtle senses. This is the time to really listen to your intuition. What are your feelings? hunches? or intuitions about this situation? Seek solitude, meditate, and practice stillness and patience. This is a time for inward focus, a time to open the inner door to intuition and find the answers within yourself.

Feb 1-march 19
Most people have decided by the age of 3 or 4 what they must do in order to survive. From this decision, this belief abut how the world is, most of your fears and self-limitations grow. Have we the courage to discover and break through these limitating beliefs, awaken to greater possibilities, and go for your objectives?
Transcend your fears and accept the gift of courage
…blasted - will get back with ya.

Now is there a 50/50 spread of the real readings to the ones you made up… or is it a crap shoot and you keep everyone guessing?

I’m ready :smiley: I only have one question in mind, for which 5. “Fork-in-the-Road” is probably best but if you are feeling ambitious, you could do a 2. One Card Reading after, which might illuminate certain aspects of the same question better.

ETA: I see that clothing is optional. But which attire would be optimal for my reading? :wink:

March 20-april 30

Youthful spirits and energy abound! This is the time to do exciting things and tackle projects you’ve been wanting to do but for which you perhaps felt you didnt have the time or energy. It may even be the time to write about them, but you probably need to do them first!

You have a talent and inclination for writing - poetry, adventure, fantasy, or anything else (SDMB?!) Possibly the only thing you dont get real serious about it your writing and you will spend all the time you need to find just the right word.

This is the time you will speak and write with conviction and sincerity and the ability to persuade others, as well as an outpouring of ideas are abound!

You will find yourself thinking about romance and deciding that you want more of it in your life. This doesnt necessarily mean looking for someone new; it might well involve putting some romantic fizz into a relationship that has become overly routine.

May 1 (Mayday)- june 20
If someone is experiencing free-floating anxiety, inexplicable self-doubt, or a tendency to accidents, it may be that change is occuring at the very deep levels of the psyche. In various stages of such work, as change takes place on a deeply unconscious level, some disruptive energies rise to the surface of consciousness. Be especially careful and watchful as you go through your daily activties. Pay attention to what you are doing and saying.

Are you being unreasonable and unrealistically demanding demanding superhuman perfection from others? Well, if you find yourself doing this - DONT!

Do not ignore dreams, portents, omens, or insights that are trying to occur at this deep level. Pay attention to the dreams that often speak in symbols.

June 21- july 31
When we block love, obviously we refuse to give or receive it. Love is an energy, an aspect of the life force, and it flows through us whether we admit it or not. Another way we block love is to become the kind of people pleaser who wants to do everything for others but wont let them give in return.

Be careful that the energy of love does not become twisted and show up as jealousy, possessiveness, attention-seeking, and demanding. Do not focus on getting rather than giving, it will result in unhappiness rather than happiness. Do not rely on others to make you happy, this is your own responsibility.

One of the worst things we can do is deny love - to pretend we feel it when we dont and to pretend we dont when we do. Do not try to destroy the love between others by any means for any reason whatsoever. And most of all, do not take advantage of the love of others to betray them.

Aug 1- Sept 22
This is a time to slow down, sit back in your chair and think a little. Why are you going so fast? What do you hope to gain from it? What kind of stress is being created by this?

This situation or issue is part of a long process that cannot well be hurried. Get ready to settle in for a long haul and to set a pace that you can maintain for as long as needed, while remaining relaxed and patient.

Sorry I had to break this up - I was auto logged out and had to retype the last half. :mad:

I learned my lesson and use notepad now, shoulda done that in the beginning :smack:

All of the yearly projected ones are not “pulled out of my arse”.

Any of the other ones that are related to something happening currently (which I havent seen much of since the free-for-all), are up for grabs.

Anyone who has a situation wanting advice for a current situation will need to reply to the reading to let me know if it is addressing the issue, or completely out in left field. I will then reply as to whether or not I used my cards.

Does that help clarify?