After I posted this message, twitter sent me a demand for my phone number so that they can text me for verification. So it’s not quite a ban. Twitter message follows: I add dashes to a vulgar word:
Example of discrimination conducted by folks other than Nazis. Literature review: Study: anti-black hiring discrimination is as prevalent today as it was in 1989 - Vox
Challenges of reducing racial bias among the non-as—le community:
How to combat people’s racial bias, according to the research - Vox
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] With objectionable word:
After I posted that, I was immediately forwarded to the demand screen.
Here’s my timeline, including tweets, retweets, and replies. Click through the warning: my account is under review. Objectionable word spelled out in top tweet:
I regret typing that cuss-word and would happily delete and resubmit that post. If I could.
BTW, the workaround for twitter’s phone number demand is to use google voice. Other free text message utilities on the web won’t work. I have cold feet with the workaround, despite the fact that I’ve given twitter my credit card number. Ironic! How to Bypass the Twitter Phone Verification - New Account