Really Awesome German Bands

Can anyone out there suggest some really awesome German bands? The type I’m looking of music I’m looking for would be like what Rammstein does. And, it’s basically the German language I’m interested in, not specifically Germany, so I would like to know of them if they’re Swiss, Amish, etc.


One of my favorites is Marius Mueller Westernhagen. He’s pretty hardcore. One of my favorites is called Mit Pfefferminz, bin Ich dein Prinz. He makes Rammstein look and sound like a beerhall polka band.


Megaherz is pretty good.

Um, I’ll show my increasing age and out-of-the pop-culture-loop state here. . . but are you interested in older bands of that sort, too? If you haven’t heard, say, Laibach or Einsturzende Neubauten, you should.

germanys answer to pink floyd = amon duul II
worth a listen

I second Neubauten, but Laibach are actually from slovakia and have very few songs in german, most of them are in english and slovakian.

here are some more german singing bands:

Das Ich
And One
L’ame immortelle


Have you been to Gigantic Rammstein site, but they also have forums to discuss other similar German music.

And a third vote for Einsturzende Neubauten.
Cause I’m old too.

Wow, other people listen to Megaherz?! Awesome. I have their personalized autograph. </brag> Sadly, their singer chose to leave them recently…I fear they’ll never be the same again.

Also check out In Extremo, which is a German hard rock group that covers medieval songs and prayers. In addition to that, look into Subway to Sally. Not like Rammstein per se, but enchanting German rock nonetheless.

I recommend anything on the German label Tesco. Not only is the music awesome, but you’ll probably scare away the neighbors if you are so inclined.

Einstürzende Neubauten gets a hearty vote from me. They’re just so… talented. Amazing. No other band like them. And they’re not just for oldsters; I’m almost 17 and I appreciate them as strongly as any other fan cashing in his nest egg and moving to Florida :).

Other good German bands/singers:

Nina Hagen–quirky. Loopy. She sings a lot in English, but most of her really good songs are in German. She does a few good songs in Sanskrit, too, if you’re like me and are into that sort of thing.

Meret Becker–the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. Her style is a bit less ‘rock-and-rolly’, and more like the sort of thing you’d hear in an upper-class speakeasy in the 30s. Her lyrics are more like stories than most other bands I’ve heard and she’s quite a joy to listen to.

Ton, Steine, Scherben–sort of like the German equivalent to the late 60/early 70s flower-power bands. Lots of socialistic references and criticisms against the government. Lots of commentary on the political situation in Germany and the world at the time. Very political.

KMFDM has several Germans in the group and does a few decent songs in that language. Their style is harsh electronic industrial. If you’re into that sort of thing.

Die Phudys
Nina Hagen

Go Ostrock!

Some good ones have been mentioned, but I haven’t heard Die Krupps’ name yet. They went through some different periods, changing styles a bit along the way. I prefer their really old stuff, and I still remember hanging around in industrial clubs in the early 90’s and hearing “Metal Machine Music” and “Machineries of Joy” playing. Also, I liked their Metallica tribute cd, especially their take on “One”.

Also, another old one that’s fun to listen to is DAF (Deutsche Americanische Freundschaft). Their stuff is all in German, except for a little bit of Spanish thrown in once in a while.

Looking at my own collection

Einsturzende Neubauten (a 4th vote). I like Haus Der Luege.
And One are really good
Melotron are also good. At least the 3-4 songs I´ve heard.
Das Ich are wonderfully dark and a real experience to see live.
Welle:Erdball another favourite of mine. is their site I think.


Oh I forgot Kraftwerk. While they aren´t very similar to Rammstein, they must be mentioned in a thread called Really Awesome German Bands.


d’oh double post…

I’m shocked.

Not one person has suggested Milli Vanilli?

Welle: Erdball! Dammit! I knew I’d remember it and then you said it first.

As much as I try I just can’t get into Die Krupps. Just a tad too…industrial and not enough metal, you know? And I have a cd of theirs that’s almost all in english.

Project pitchfork is fun music but they also sing in English a lot.

I can’t look at this thread title without hearing that line from The Producers in my head…

“Haff you effer heard ze Cherman Band?”