Really, What Choice Did I Have?

That reminds me of something that happened to an old roommate. He was in the bathroom and one of his cats had followed him in. So there he was, innocently sitting on the john while the cat looked for anything of interest in the sink. Nothing happening, so the cat decides to go somewhere else, and for reasons that escape simple humans, decided that my roommate’s head looked like a good place. Can you imagine how you’d react if you suddenly had a cat jump onto your head? In short, it did not end well, and my roommate ended up with a scratch disturbingly near his left eye.

I don’t dare mess my cat. His crew are a couple of neighbours’ german shepards.

Good memory…not a bag, but a tissue box.

the glass coffee table had me laughing. i can just picture that.

stretch the super duper and lager the loveydovey love to wrestle. some times they will bump into the roomba and set it off. all is good until the roomba rolls off of the charger and starts to move toward them.

Funniest thing I’ve read in awhile. I really needed a laugh- thank you for providing one!

My cat spooky, well, spooks easily. He will walk past my husband, who will just move one toe and the cat will do the arched back, side wise hop move.

I had a cat that was terrified of the vacuum cleaner but when the thing wasn’t in use and was standing on the floor, the cat would stalk it and finally hit it one lick with her paw, turn and run. It was a lot of fun to watch.

Is there anything more disappointing than finding your cat likes being vacuum cleaned? :frowning:

I wish mine liked it. Can you imagine how easy that would make keeping shedding under control?

My mother had a cat that simply couldn’t get enough of being vacuumed.

Okay, my dirty mind played some synonym games with that sentence, and now I’m all squicked out.