What have you all ordered online recently (can be anywhere from yesterday to 6 months ago)?
A couple of days ago, I bought myself a Chinese style name stamp (chop). I ordered it from an online company (Good Orient), and it’s real stone, and actually carved by someone who carves name stamps. It would be considered a bit gauche to some people because it also has my name in English on it (authentic ones carved by masters only include the name in Chinese characters). I went with my Chinese Zodiac animal (sheep/goat). It may not be a masterpiece in stone, but it’s a nice gift I’m giving to myself. It also comes in it’s own box, and with a dish of red ink.
It’s worth the risk of burning, to have a second chance…
A pair of 56K modems from cpusolutions. No problems. Mindspring sucks here. I am lucky to get 28K connect, IF I connect. Oh well, off to find another ISP.
Nothing too unusual, “Sick Puppy” the new book from Carl Hiassen, from those nice ppl at Barnes & Noble. Well, that and a shithousefull of other books.
Well, after six months of fruitlessly searching for them in book stores in four different states, I finally broke down and ordered Vamp and Platinum Girl from Barnes & Nobles yesterday. I also ordered four other books as well. I generally prefer to order via Amazon, because I have to pay sales tax with B&N, but I have to admit B&N often has books in stock that Amazon doesn’t.
I ordered several Christmas gifts online. One was fine. The others (records and tapes) arrived much too late for Christmas (and were ordered a week before the item that DID arrive). There was an error on the web page for one of the tapes, so the song I wanted isn’t actually on the tapes.
All in all, annoying and frustrating.
Don’t let all the hype fool you. It all boils down to one simple equation:
Internet commerce = mail order
“East is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does.” – Marx
Barnes and noble sent me a $10 coupon that had to be used by next week – how could I let that pass??
I bought two copies of Special Circumstances by Sheldon Siegel (he’s my buddy – I’m buying an extra copy for another friend to have it autographed for her), a dinosaur encyclopedia for Eldest Son for his birthday (hope he’s not reading this!) and a kid’s novel for Middle Son.
I like shopping on line – I did a lot of it over Christmas.
I bought a new all tube guitar amplifier off of eBay and it just got here yesterday! I was outside waiting for the UPS guy to unload his truck , just like a little kid waiting for some ice cream.
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.”
-H.P. Lovecraft, “The Call of Cthulhu”
I have ordered about a dozen or so books over the last year, five or six music CD’s, several of my children’s Christmas presents, several computer hardware parts, and a few other things I can’t recall at this particular moment.
Yep, the Internet Shopping gods know me well.
“Distinguished” Sexy assistant to Head Honcho,
Self-Righteous Clique
The fact that they’ll send you another one next week?
Last thing I bought on the net was… umm… a web hosting plan. But they’re sending me some web design software (not that I really need it - I had the site ready when I got the web host) so at least something is getting sent through the mail.
For some reason I prefer Amazon over B&N. I think only because there’s a B&N down the street so buying from them online just seems odd to me. Anyway, I’ve bought a few horticultural texts from Amazon that you’d have a harder (though not impossible) time finding in the stores. Oh, and a Sega Genesis game for old time’s sake off of eBay.
“I guess one person can make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”
I order truckloads of books and let them pile up until I get around to reading them.
“I thought: opera, how hard can it be? Songs. Pretty girls dancing. Nice scenery. Lots of people handing over cash. Got to be better than the cut-throat world of yoghurt, I thought.” - Seldom Bucket
Computer gear & books. My online purchases are based on a combination of price and availability. Generally do my comparison shopping at shopper.com and bestbookbuys.com
I bought a Santana CD from CDNow and a car book from Barnes and Noble, and a ‘Best of Cream’ cassette from them as well.
I like shopping online, it’s easy (maybe TOO easy!)fast, and no one bumps into me, and I don’t have to wait in stores that are usually too hot.
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Amazon without a question. No trouble at all, they confirm your order by E-mail and let you know when your order is shipping.
Also, of course, they have a great selection of books.