Recipes using honey?

Last year I bought a small amount (a pound) of honey at the local Ren Fest, and it was so yummy I used it up in about a month. Since the Ren Fest comes but once a year, I was very sad for the rest of the year.

This caused me to go a little (a lot) overboard this year. I bought a whole bunch (12 pounds) of honey. I will probably have it until the end of the year, which is good, but by the time I either move (April-July) or Ren Fest happens again (August), I’ll probably still have a bunch left. I only have one recipe that uses honey in any quantity, so I’d like some more.

I love honey. Also, I like parentheses.

Here is a tasty pork sparerib recipe using honey. I make extra sauce for mine.

And here are some liquid refreshments

Honeyed Walnut Tart
Molasses Honey Ginger Cookies
Honey Pecan Pumpkin Pie
Honey Roasted Plums
Honey-Glazed Lemon Chicken
Honey I’m Home

Peanut butter and honey on toast.

Mix equal parts honey, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil. Add a pinch of rosemary and salt and pepper to taste.

Marinate chicken breasts in this mixture at least an hour, then grill or bake as usual. (I usually use 1/3 cup each for 2 - 4 breasts.)

A recent episode of Iron Chef America had a honey battle with Chefs Cora vs Faulkner. They used honey in all sorts of things. Maybe you can catch it for some ideas.
Or you could try some baklava!

The American Honey Insitute ran some tests and says you can substitute honey for up to a quarter of the sugar in baked goods. It gives it a nice moist texture to the items. More than that and you’re risking failure to rise. It seems honey is alkaline and will interfere with the rising, be it quick or yeast. If you could test for how alkaline your batch of honey is, you could counter with a bit of acid but the alkalinity varies and ordinary kitchens don’t have the means for determining how much acid to add. 1:3 is safe, they say.

I’ll add a bit of it to stuff like spaghetti sauce if I want it a little sweetened.

I’ll add a little to pizza dough.

It’s in my barbeque sauce.

Honey-mustard makes a nice topping for a lot of grilled foods, or a honey-mustard vinaigrette. . .honey, mustard, garlic, lemon juice, white wine vinegar, s&p and extra virgin olive oil. Tangy & sweet.

Lot of asian-inspired sauces will use it. . .honey, soy, ginger, chili paste, garlic, orange juice.

I can’t really give specific recipes as I usually just wing-it with my sauces, but it goes in a lot of things.

A lot of people add it to tea instead of sugar.

Thank you all. I don’t have a lot of time before work to look over these, but I’ll look at it tonight.

Honey & Soy Suace Chicken Wings

Awesome baked wings, I double all of the ingredients though for the marinade.

Walloon, I’m going to try that Honey glazed lemon chicken! I just have to pare it down for a single, smaller chicken. Or maybe just do it over my Thanksgiving Turkey, which will be small.

JXJohns recipe also looks killer.

I really like some of the suggestions I’ve gotten as well.

Amusingly enough, Bobotheoptimist, since I have this vast quantity of honey, mead has more than once crossed my mind, because I know it uses a lot of it. And the Kangaroo_in_Black used to enjoy it at SCA events (before my time). But we don’t drink much anymore, so it would be an experiment that I wouldn’t really be able to undergo well.

Plus I’m not sure homebrewing in any way is a hobby I want to start right before what is likely (hopefully) going to be another major move.

Honey is a staple in my kitchen…pretty much anytime I’m doctoring up some bbq sauce or marinade, honey will likely get added to the mix. Also not adverse to adding a dollop to red beans, soup/stew, or even a pot roast. I have a tendancy to use whatever I have handy for spices…

Epicurian Roman Custard. With Honey.

Ah, honey. Much sweeter than wine.