Recommend a Lapdesk

I am looking for lapdesks. Apparently, the stores around here sell them only during “back-to-school” season, so I’m going to have to buy online. I really like the look of Levenger’s lapdesks and Laplanders, but, oo, are they pricey! Anyone got any more thrifty suggestions? (I see lists quite a few. And I’m told that Best Buy’s Web site also has some.)

I say, get the cheapest one you can find.

We have a Levenger one, which has the nice wood grain on both sides, and nice elastic bands to tuck your papers under, and a cutaway handle at each end.

And we have a no-name el-cheapo one. Wood grain on only one side, unadorned particleboard on the other. (Well, you can only use one side at a time anyway.) Big fat rubberbands to tuck papers under. (Actually, maybe a little nicer than the elastic bands, because they provide more friction. Cutaway handle at just one end. (This is a mild inconvenience at most.)

We actually got them both as gifts on the same Christmas. Apparently my mom and my grandpa are great minds who think alike–or somebody ripped off somebody else’s idea. :slight_smile: I won’t say who went Levenger and who went el-cheapo, 'cause I love 'em both. (Both lapdesks and both family members. :slight_smile: )

So, no real benefit from paying $40-$50 for the Levenger ones, you’re saying?