Recommend a Linux mail server (suite?)

Well, FreeBSD, actually.

I’m trying to move all the “server type stuff” on my home LAN from a windows XP box to a FreeBSD box for various reasons.

I’ve got everything moved over except this darn mail server.

On Windows, I use 602LAN Suite for the mail server. It has loads of dandy functions I’d like to replicate in *nix:

[li]Checks email from multiple POP3 accounts around the web[/li][li]Merges them into local mailboxes based on rules I specify[/li][li]Scans for Viruses[/li][li]Blocks spam[/li][li]Includes a POP server so the client machines around the house just connect to the BSD box.[/li][li]Includes a web mail server so I can check from anywhere[/li][li]Routes outgoing SMTP through my ISP’s mail server[/li][/ul]

I understand that most people would use a separate program for each function, but my *nix skills aren’t quite there yet.

I found this howto but dang if it aint complicated.

Is there an all-in-one suite that’s easy to install (preferably a FreeBSD Port), that can handle this? I’m hoping for something that can also be configured through a web browser, though I can do it with conf files if need be. My server has no Xwindows installed, no traditional GUI needed.


Consider QMail. There are better tutorials around than the one you found, I think - try starting from The Linux Documentation Project . Even if it says “Linux” on the top, it’s pretty much relevant when it comes to this kind of things. A quick search revealed some interesting things, have a look at this page.

QMail comes with its own documentation: try downloading it and playing with it a bit.