I’m shopping for a game for a friend, and I’m a bit stuck. She is an “older” gamer, and there are some things in games that she just can’t do, and I could use some advice.
She loved the Tomb Raider games on the PS1. Her favourite on the PS2 so far was Ico. She also liked playing Kingdom Hearts, Primal and Ratchet and Clank on PS2.
She likes:
Puzzle and riddle solving
Adventure or platform games
A good story
She doesn’t like:
Driving or flying
Intense combat requiring aiming (e.g. medal of honor)
Turn based combat
I’m really looking for something adventure / platform based, with the emphasise on puzzles. Combat is OK, as long as it doesn’t require quick changing of weapons and lots of difficult aiming.
I know its a tough list of requirements, but can anyone recommend me some games?
By the way, I’ve considered Dark Chronicle and Ratchet & Clank II. Does anyone know if they might fit these requirements? Thanks.
One of the most beautiful fun games I’ve ever played. A tab on the easy on the puzzle side if you’ve played lots of these games but the gameplay and the story more than make up. A true gem.
there was a thread about it here a while ago but the site’s too slow at the moment to search
I haven’t played Jak II but I’ve heard from two people whom I know well that it’s very very good.
The time controlling element is very intuitive. The game trains you as you go. Very well paced. It is short though. Took me about 15hrs to clear over xmas and I was mostly very drunk will playing
How about Ico. Another platform puzzley game that looks fantastic?
Final Fantasy. Anyone of them, although VII, VII, X & X-2 are my favorites. There are puzzles in the mini-games and dungeons & enough monster bashing to keep things interesting. Plus, I’ve always liked the stories.
Primal. It’s better than tombraider i think. you play the part of a woman who can change into different demons and she is accompanied by a gargoyle who you can control as well whenever you choose to do so. It’s a great game! A classic.
Ghosthunter isn’t bad and Prince of Persia is excellent!!!
Ratchet & Clank II is basically the same game as the original, but there was no decrease in quality, so it’d be a great choice. And there’s no shortage of puzzles.
Primal is one of the best games out there, ever.
Jak II isn’t a great choice because it’s kinda the opposite of a puzzle game–it’s easy to see what you’re supposed to do next, but generally extremely difficult to do it.