Recommend me some multi-player Wii games

I’m going to be spending some time Saturday hanging out with a friend I haven’t seen in a while and we will probably be spending some time on my Wii. I’m looking for a game or two to rent and maybe eventually buy.

Co-op is preferable to competitive. I would prefer if there wasn’t a huge time investment involved in unlocking the multi-player modes.

All I have for the Wii at the moment are Zelda TP, Wario Ware and DBZ BT2 (and Wii Sports of course.) My friend and I have already spent a lot of time on DBZ and he isn’t a fan of mini-game games (so I doubt we’ll be playing WW and Mario Party is out.)

Note: Gamecube games that meet my specifications are also welcome.

Note again: Unfortunately, I don’t have internet access on my Wii at the moment so virtual console software is out.

Thanks for your help.

Wii Play is fun…ish. Basically, it’s a few multi-player minigames worth $10, and you get a Wii-Mote worth $40.

Seriously though, Wii Sports will probably keep you guys busy for a loooong time. WW multi-player is okay for a few laughs,but it won’t keep it’s charm or it’s fun for much longer than an hour.

Rayman Raving Rabbids is the only one that has held my interest so far, but that’s mini-game based and requires some unlocking of multi-player modes. (I, too, am not a fan of Wario Ware.)

Wii Play is fun for about five minutes. The shooting game is about the only one that’s okay.

There’s bowling. I’ve had a blast with my brother’s in law playing the bowling game. The Boxing game is fun too.