Recommend me some sci-fi/fantasy slash

Those who know what slash is know just what I’m looking for. I prefer male/male slash.

So, recommend me some. :smiley:

I’d be happy to recommend some to you. But first, could you narrow it down a bit? Are there any particular sci/fi fantasy fandoms you have in mind? Aragorn/Legolas from LOTR? Do you like humorous slash stories or ones filled with angst? Do you like G rated or PG or NC-17? I don’t know if it’s okay to post links to NC-17 stories here, so I’ll hold off until I know for sure.

Let me clarify. I don’t mean fanfiction. I mean sci-fi/fantasy novels.


I can’t believe I missed specifying though. :frowning:

So, yea, it’s science fiction/fantasy slash with m/m pairings preferred.

I mean sci-fi/fantasy NOVELS that have m/m pairings(slash).


(just making sure in case anyone missed it…eheeh).

Oh. I misunderstood. When I saw “slash” in your request for a recommendation, I was going by this definition of slash.

Hmmm. Sci-fi/fantasy novels with m/m pairings. Sorry. Can’t help you there, but maybe some of the other folks reading this thread can help.

I think there are some male/male pairings in Mercedes Lackey’s books.

David Gerrold’s The Man Who Folded Himself has some m/m action.

If it’s a work of fiction on its own, and not a pairing of already existing characters, I think I would call it homoerotic rather than slashy.

I really don’t think the term “slash” is generally used to refer to anything other than fanfiction. I’ve never heard the term used in a non-fandom context. Just say you want science-fiction and fantasy novels that feature homosexual romances. Good luck with that quest, too – you’ll need it. Going from what I’ve heard I can second Guin’s suggestion of Mercedes Lackey (although I don’t believe I’ve read any of her novels), but beyond that…well…again, “good luck” is the best I can do.

I know of a site that lists books, but because it has porn content, I can’t post it here. If you want the link though, e-mail me!

I vaguely recall something like that in Ellen Kushner’s Swordspoint. Been a while, though, and I don’t remember how explicit the language was. If that, you know, makes any difference.

Yes, Mercedes Lackey’s books do have some same-sex pairings. Not that I, personally, am shay’a’chern (=homosexual, male or female), I chose this user name for Herald-Mage Vanyel’s heroic aspects. In the Last Herald-Mage trilogy, Vanyel is the main character, and he works out his as the books progress. It’s not the most important thing, and many other books in this world aren’t about this, but it is a different point of viev.

I suppose it would help if I could do coding correctly:smack:

Maureen F. McHugh’s China Mountain Zhang is a science fiction book with a gay male protagonist who gets into a couple of relationships within the course of the book. I can only remember one real “scene” though. Great book IMO, fascinating exploration of possible results of communism, I recommend it to anyone.