Recommend some new fall TV shows for me

I think I’ll try TiVOing 1 or 2 new TV shows this fall. What should they be?

Currently, I’ll be TiVOing:
The Simpsons
Joey (but it’s on VERY thin ice)
The Office
The West Wing

Other favorite shows from the past (or in one case, from a channel I don’t get):
My So Called Life
Six Feet Under
The L Word
Star Trek:TNG
Band of Brothers
Given that type of tastes, what upcoming shows should I be looking out for?


Kitchen Confidential is my most-awaited new show. It’s based on professional chef and raconteur Anthony Bourdain’s autobiography, showcasing the dark underbelly of the restaurant industry, the misfits and psychos working in professional kitchens, and what goes on behind the scenes that diners have no idea about. It’s a fascinating book, and I was surprised to learn Fox was turning it into a sitcom, of all things. But it’s going to be one of those cinematic single-camera sitcoms with no laugh track, like Arrested Development, Scrubs, and The Office, and hopefully the humor will be quite dark. It also stars Nicholas Brendon, Xander from Buffy.

I also recommend Arrested Development if you like The Office already, and Family Guy if you like The Simpsons.

If you’re doing 24, you might try Prison Break by the same creators. Of course it’s already 2-3 episodes into the season, but you can catch up.

You need to watch Lost. You know you want to.

Battlestar Galactica

If you haven’t been watching Veronica Mars, this fall would be a great time to start.

Check out Supernatural on the WB.

You can watch the first episode on YahooTV. I just did.

I’ll probably watch Kitchen Confidential since it’s already sandwiched between Arrested and Prison/24.

I like Jason Lee so I’ll probably catch My Name Is Earl (it looks potentially dark, and appears right before The Office on Tuesdays).

And the rather eclectic cast of Threshold (Carla Gugino, Peter Dinklage, Brent Spiner, Charles S. Dutton) also makes it one I’ll try out if I remember to set the VCR on Fridays.

I liked 24, and I’m liking Prison Break, so there’s that.

For whatever reason, there seem to be a spate of actors from Joss Whedon shows showing up in a few series this fall. I’m probably going to DVR (I don’t technically have a TiVo :slight_smile: ) the first few eps to check out how old friends are doing:

Bones has David Boreanaz (and looks like it might be interesting in a Cold Case meets CSI kind of way). And it leads into House, M.D. which I’m going to be watching anyway.
Kitchen Confidential has Nicholas Brendon (aka Xander). From some preview stuff I’ve seen posted around, I’ve seen it described like a scripted sitcom version of “Hell’s Kitchen”, although with less yelling and more laughs.
Allyson Hannigon is listed on imdb as being in something called How I met your mother, but I haven’t caught any actual details about it.

Sitcom that’s gotten some good reviews, but when I’ve watched the preview clips I think it’s fairly awful. I think sitcoms are really hard to capture in preview clips, though. It also has Doogie Howser in it. Oh, and the premiere allegedly includes some “twist.” No idea.

I tend to try to catch as many premieres as I can because it’s easier to drop a show than to catch up. So I’m watching “Reunion” tomorrow. It looked like a neat premise, having every episode represent an entire year.

“Reunion” intrigues me, too. Interesting concept. Plus the presence of the very yummy Mathew St. Patrick.

This isn’t new but “Myth Busters” is hilarious!

And new this past year/recently is “America’s Dirtiest Jobs” … come home from
work and put that on … oh man, at least you’re not doing what that guy is!

Did you watch it? What did you think? I wasn’t excited. I hated too many of the characters. My husband had the same reaction.

Hooray! Already a good review of Threshold:

Can’t wait!

I thought it looked interesting too. It wasn’t. I figured I’d watch it until Everwood came back, but I don’t think I’m going to now that I’ve seen the pilot.

I’m most looking forward to Supernatural. I’ll probably check out the various and sundry shows about aliens, E-Ring, Bones, and Inconcievable. I wish The Night Stalker was on at a different time.