We’ve got a married couple as friends, they’ve got lots of problems.
The woman is attempting to be a former alcoholic - that is to say - she gives the “I’m not drinking any more” speech a lot but is still sneaking drinks. It’s not an every day thing. I think we’re dealing with an emotional addition, not a physical one at this stage. They’ve got kids who’re being negatively affected by the drinking. Her marriage, and potentially her custody of the kids, is riding on her ability to get dry.
The husband, though, keeps alcohol around the house, in a fridge that is occaisionally locked. He’s of several ever-changing positions on this.
- If she’s true to her promise, then the beer & liquor need-not be locked up.
- Lock it up to prevent her from getting to it.
- Don’t have it in the house at all.
#3 is the rarest position. He sees the alcohol in the house both good hospitality and good business - a celebratory shot is used when a business transaction is completed (I’m being obtuse for privacy’s sake).
#1 & #2 are the frequently alternating arguments. I think it reflects his frustration with the whole situation. I think when he’s mad at her, he’s giving her enough rope to hang herself by leaving the fridge unlocked. When he’s sympathetic, he locks things away.
His wife alternates between being angry when the fridge is locked, “He should trust me”, and being angry when it’s unlocked, “He should be more sympathetic my temptation.”
When the fridge has been unlocked, it seems she’s been sneaking drinks & watering down the remainder. She’s cheating her Antabuse so she can sneak drink. We think she’s also managing to hide some someplace in the house, probably transferred to an innocent looking container.
So, for those of you who’ve been through this, how much temptation is it to have any alcohol in the house at all? Should she be trusted with an unlocked liquor cabinet, a locked one, or just have none in the house?
I’m of the opinion that if he was doing everything possible then he’d just toss it all. As a visitor to his house, I wouldn’t be offended if I was handed a Mountain Dew instead of a beer. I realize that she can still go out to a liquor store & buy something so it’s not a cure for her problem. I just think that, if I can reference my own tendency to snack, having it close at hand increases the temptation.