Red Dwarf

Oh, man! I love chicken vindaloo! Unfortunately, my cow-orkers generally don’t like “weird” food. I mean, we’re very close to Little Saigon and we never go out for Vietnamese. Indian is right out. (Well, not totally out, as I can occasionally come up with a small contingent to go to a buffet.)

I’ve really got to find a good Indian take-out near my apartment.

Can I just say that my husband does an excellent Cat voice? “That’s my shiny thing!”

I will probably have to buy the DVDs. Oh boy!

Trivia bit: The actress who played the first Kochanski was the cutie in Gregory’s Girl that Gregory dated at the end of the movie.

Spoil the end for me, please? [in a spoiler box!!!]

I never saw the last show.
I’m ordering the DVDs, though, so if the series end is funny like the wiped memories episode, then I’ll just catch it when it comes.

Oh… me 'ead! What did I drink?

I also really liked the body switching episode.

I’m such a smegg head

There is no end, yet. The end of the last episode so far is a set up for either a movie or a 9nth series.

Nanobots destroy most of the ship and kill everyone. When death comes for Rimmer (who was resurrected at the beginning of the season) he knees him in he crotch with a “not today, bucko” and goes off to save the crew. Cue credits.

Incidentally, my first and only pleasant foray into usenet was in a Red Dwarf newsgroup.


Well, I’ll be!

Red Dwarf, The Motion Picture, The Search For Lister, A New Hologram, The Wrath of Cat, Fellowship of the Dwarf, …

Thnks Slntgldfsh

oh gawd, he’s not back again is he?

no, I wasn’t the Hamburglar. Had you think’n tho, right?

The “backwards episode” must be on one of the DVDs scheduled for release in November. I finished watching the episodes on the DVDs I just got (12 episodes total) and that one wasn’t on it. Yup, that’s one that I have on a VHS tape up in storage 1,300 miles away…

“Stasis Leak” is a great one. Good to see Kochanski.

And also last night I watched the episode where they find their opposites in another dimension. (“I assumed you took care of it! The man’s the one who gets pregnant, so it’s the man’s responsibility!” “You could be ‘up the spout’!” “You remember that photograph of you holding twin boys, and I asked how you could have kids when there are no women aboard the ship and you said ‘I don’t know, but it will be fun finding out!’? I remember those fine lads. Bonny strapping boys. Broad shoulders. Big heads!”)

CAT: How am i looking? I’m looking good. No, wait a minute. I’m looking better than good. I’m looking dangerous…(sings) DANGERROOUUSSSS

That would be Claire P Grogan. I prefer the later Kochanski though.:smiley:

Red Dwarf? Hmm…yeah, I think I’ve heard of it…

Incidentally, Kryten didn’t show up as a main character until season 3, so if you’re thinking of any of those episodes, they’re not out on DVD yet.

Backwards was the first episode of the third series… and it sounds like you’ve got the first two series.

Yes, it’s sad that I know that but I have tapes from when they were first aired in the mid-80s.

I LOVE RED DWARF!!! MY FAVE IS LISTER!!! I love it in the episode when he gets pregnant
Ajay out

NoClueBoy, I think the Backwards episode is one of my faves. I love the Cat’s last line after he had to go to the toilet: “Don’t ask.” Back To Reality which features the Dispair Squid is another fave episode of mine.

Having watched each episode of “Band of Brothers” at least twice, I must say that if anyone ever attempts another Americanized “Red Dwarf” they have to get David Schwimmer for the Rimmer-based character.

I’ve volunteered on the pledge phones for my PBS station’s Red Dwarf marathons. On certain occasions, they would fly in the stars to participate. I’ve met Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules, and Chloë Annett. I have two stories.

One of the times Craig was there, one volunteer was a Red Dwarf super-fan. She knew that his favorite beer in the world was brewed in Jamaica (home country of his father) and that it isn’t imported into Britain for some reason. However, they do ship it to Seattle. So she came to the pledge night with a case of the stuff in her car, and Craig was her best friend the whole evening. She went back to his hotel afterward to share some beers with Craig and Danny.

Chloë looked gorgeous in real life, though she’s mighty thin. I greatly regret not having seen her arrive at the TV station, though, because the producer wouldn’t let her on the set dressed as she was. She had to change into something a tad less scandalous. And I missed it!

“Mr. Rimmer, you are a smeeeeee heeeeee!”

I used to love Red Dwarf and was very dissapointed to catch some of series 7 a couple of nights ago - what an absolute pile of shite! It really lacked any of the energy of the previous series’ and also appeared to lack Rimmer which was annoying because he was really funny I thought. Anyways, all of the early episodes were spot on but my personnal favourite was the one where Cat turns into ‘Duane Dibley’. Classic.

The first time or all of them?

Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast.

Since I started this thread, over a year ago, Red Dwarf III and IV have been added to my DVD shelves. :slight_smile:

Actually, they made 2 US pilots, but both were rather lackluster. Both had kyrten from the beginning and as an interestingly little detail, one cast Terry Ferral(of the DS9 fame) as Cat. However, she’s on scene for a grand total of a minute and the one I saw had really poor sound quality.