Red Stains (That Time of The Month)

I spazzed out and spilled Hawaiian Punch all over the bottom of my desk calendar.

Now the last week of every month has these splotchy reddish stains all over them. It’s not so bad once you get to October, but the 30th and 31st of July are not looking good.

Now, “that’s” comedy. Hehehe… very funny RD. :smiley:

HAHAHAH. Good one. :slight_smile:

[sub]I was very afraid when I clicked this thread[/sub]

Bwhahahahaha! You got off easy if you can count on it being the end of the month. I wonder how you’ll feel if you skip a month. :smiley:

I felt compelled to open this thread, though I was steeling myself for some grossness. Such an icky thing.

When I first read the OP, I was dumbstruck. Brilliant.