Reflecting on an amusing license plate

On my way to the store to run a few errands, I spotted an SUV behind me at a traffic light with the following license plate:

X3Z 1A70

…And burst out laughing…

…because I’d read it in my rearview mirror. :smiley:

A new form of reflectoporn!

I got the “Sex” part but what was the first word?

“Oral”, I’m guessing

That’s almost too good to be an accident. Does that roughly fit in with what you’d expect on a license plate in your area, or is it wildly different?

A quick search of eBay shows recent plates in AAA #### format. The plate in the OP is A#A #A## format.

It seems the previous format has “rolled over” after using up all the available combinations and now, yes, I’m seeing plates with with this new letter and number pattern.