Rehydrating frozen meatballs?

I’ve got a bag of frozen, pre-made meatballs that I bought some time back to eat with pasta. Unfortunately, I didn’t go through them as quickly as I thought I would, and then I failed to notice that the bag was not sealed properly in my freezer.

Result: My frozen meatballs are now freeze-dried meatballs. Completely dehydrated.

I attempted to “fix” them by putting them in a bowl of water and microwaving them, hoping they’d absorb the water. It worked, somewhat, but they were still a bit “chewy”.

Any better way to fix these things?

marinara sauce

They’re never gonna be as good as they were before being dried out. Freeze-drying permanently alters the protein structures in the meat, so just replacing the lost water isn’t going to un-do that.

They wouldn’t be dangerous to eat, or anything, assuming you’re thawing them properly. Just … not as tasty.

That’s what I was afraid of. The ones I ate were reasonably tasty (I chopped them into smaller pieces before eating); the texture was the main issue.

Probably the best bet. Simmer them on low heat for 20-30 minutes, or just let them fall apart and call it bolognese.

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Moving thread from General Questions to Cafe Society, our home for meatballs and other food related items.

Hey, who ya callin’ a meatball? I’ll have you know I happen to represent that remark.


However I use my Swedish meatball sauce.

You could also try simmering them for a while in beef stock, like a batch of your basic herb-ox cubes.

Just chop them up and dump them in a marinara sauce, as suggested. Anything else and the chewiness will be noticeable.

You might also consider making a new batch of meatballs or meat loaf and mixing your (chopped up) old ones in.

However, I usually find that food damaged this much in the freezer doesn’t just have a different texture, but a different flavor. That’s a deal-breaker for me.