Is it me, or are we being visited by old friends using new names? To wit: M2Lepton (MM) and Rollin a Bone (jayburner). Not that there is anything inherently wrong with that.
I thought 2SexyForMyComputer was jayburner, but now I noticed that Rollin’ Bone character too. Talk about schizophrenic.
2Ml is definately MM though.
Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk
"You know how complex women are"
- Neil Peart, Rush (1993)
I was just gonna start this EXACT thread. I think its definately jayburner/2stupidformycomputer/boneroller, and the m2lepton is so obviously MM…
What I dont understand is why everyone replies to them.
Who is your fave president?
Are we so desperate to talk about ourselves we will post an answer to anything???
And is it just me or does anyone else remember NewtonsApple and his tell me all about you thread? Well this Sky Slash character is doing the exact same thing, and of course, like SHEEP, they all post.
I think we need to start a list of troll feeders, then we can ridicule them all at once.
Of course, I might just be overtired.
I disagree. M2Lepton is not MM. Their posting styles are very different. MM always spoke about himself and his sexual (or whatever) prowess, while M2 is a little more restrained, just slipping in comments. I think M2’s question’s are a little shorter and more pointed than MM’s (though I’m not going back to check).
That being said, they’re both asshole trolls who should be roasted over a slow flame. It’s just that they’re different asshole trolls (give 'em each their own flame).
Don’t overreact. SkySlash appears to be genuinely interested in us. For what it’s worth, I think beatle knows him from another MB and he seemed friendly and welcoming towards SkySlash.
SkySlash is OK, I’m pretty sure of that.
Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk
"You know how complex women are"
- Neil Peart, Rush (1993)
I was going to post pretty much what Coldfire said, but he posted while I was trying to find SkySlash’s first post/thread. (The ‘Search all posts by this user’ function seems a tad glitchy…)
Bottom line, SkySlash is a (basically) known quantity, and not showing any indications of being a troll.
Eschew Obfuscation
Goodness! I didnt realize he was a known commodity, I totally retract what I said about him.
That being said, I think you will see M2Lepton’s stuff turn more sexual in a day or so. And these silly questions he is asking are so TOTALLY reminiscent of MM…well, I guess we will see.
Once again, sincerest apologies to SkySlash.
Ahhhhhh, Coldfire and Tengu just think this SkySlash guy is cute, that’s all.
Oh, I don’t think you’ll see any more of M2Lepton’s stuff.
If it’s helpful, I’ll compare everyone to Hitler so we can get this
over with as soon as possible.
Lynn - God Bless You. In Caps. Bold. Italics even!!!
[even]LYNN - GOD BLESS YOU[/even]
Thank you, Lynn. This place seems cleaner already.
Well, since he is still posting, I would have to disagree with you on that one Lynn.
Sometimes the settings don’t take effect immediately. You should see no more of him, under that SN at least.
If it’s helpful, I’ll compare everyone to Hitler so we can get this
over with as soon as possible.