Nava: Oh I hear ya. My mother has, on more than one occasion, demanded that something be done RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANCE. Because it’s of the utmost importance, ya see. So, everyone will rush from the 4 corners of the earth (couple hours’ drive, no problem!) to prevent Shitlergeddon. Then only afterwards do we find out that she didn’t follow up from her end and whatever it was goes unattended for years.
In reverse, she can’t be arsed to stop across the street for 5 minutes because someone’s got pneumonia and all she’s doing is running around picking up snacks and videos. Ugh.
kambuckta: No problems with that diagnosis at all. Hell, I’d go plenty of steps beyond that and say that’s she’s not only crazier than a shit house rat, but a sociopath as well. So, I don’t think BPD is out of the question, although I think she’d probably lean closer to schizophrenic. And proudly too!
lobotomyboy63: Agreed. I remember when I first learned that my trying to help (by standing up for Duped or my dad or whoever) only made things worse for them, I was devastated. Not only that, but they didn’t want any assistance for that very reason. I’ve never really thought I needed someone else to ‘get my back’ per se, however since it hadn’t been done though, I stupidly plunged ahead. It’s only been in about the last half dozen years that I understand the damage it caused by not butting out. I don’t involve myself now unless I’m specifically solicited for advice and only then do I just state my opinion and walk away. It’s not worth it.
I’ve said this many times here on the boards, but I don’t have the balls (literally or figuratively) to completely divorce myself from her. Most is my own fault, because I allow the every-once-in-a-while fairy tale to hold sway rather than face cold hard reality. I mean, if all of a sudden she turns into fucking Mrs. Cleaver for an extended period of time, it’s easier (I know) to give in and ‘believe’ than to constantly be the bad guy for not giving her another chance. Which I immediately regret when the mask quickly slips and Shitler returns in full force. Regardless, there is another reason; my father. He’s beginning to show signs of Alzheimer’s and unfortunately, there’s zilch opportunity to maintain my relationship with him without fighting the dragon that guards the mote. Eh, if only he could be spirited away in the night…
As far as keeping quiet, I used to not even know that was an option. How dense can an adult closing in on their 40s be? Well, until she almost cut off all ties with me, I didn’t grasp that I had the same option too. Before, I thought it was respectful and proper and simply the right thing to do to hash things out how she saw fit. Got the cold shoulder? I deserved it. Had to wage war for three days over not refilling the toilet paper supply? Deserved that too and just had to buck up and deal. Whatever, I was supposed to do what she expected of me.
Then one day came the dawn and I realized she’d be pissed either way. So I took the first opportunity to put this to the test… I bravely said during one disparaging phone conversation that I wasn’t going to discuss that with her anymore (gasp!) and was amazed to find that nothing happened any different than before. She had the ability to regroup and just pick up where she left off. Therefore, if she wanted to continue with her poor opinion of me, she did. I got to look at everything like it didn’t matter and eventually, that became true. Of her judgments, tantrums, the whole nine yards. Og it’s been liberating!
Finally, Duped ‘needs’ to remain with her for a billion bad reasons. Without my mother, she undoubtedly feels she isn’t worthy of existence. Being too close to the sun will probably do that to you. :rolleyes:
nikonikosuru: When I was much younger, I thought the problem with her momsterness (love that term! – if you’ll share that, I promise you can use Shitler anytime ya like) was because of me. Ya see, she didn’t honestly know what I wanted. Like if all I asked for was a certain ball glove for Xmas, I instead got that training bra because I didn’t tell her the right manufacture. When my birthday rolled around and I tried again, Houston had a failure because then she must not’ve known how much I wanted it. After that it was a constant cycle… I told her I wanted it a lot, but not that it was an earth-shattering necessity. Okay, I guess I got across that’s how I felt, but by then I was too old or it cost too much or procuring it would be a huge hassle. Yadda yadda yadda.
Fast forward from age 9 to 30 and I finally ‘get’ that it wasn’t about not doing whatever the correct way. She enjoyed the hoops and the drama. No way would she ever change that for something as fleeting as inconsequential happiness. I learned to (mostly) accept that and to find accommodations that make me okay with her psycho personality. Now I don’t ask for jack shit. De-expectations make for more palatable, and brief, necessary interactions. It’s just when she’s done something spectacularly momsterish (and I’ve had a bit to drink) that I rave.
NinetyWt: Duped is more than just codependent. She’s a hollow hologram of Shitler. And as hard as it is to digest, I know that ultimately, she doesn’t want to go anywhere. Being miserable is better than having wasted so much of her life and time, or living alone, that this momstrosity (heh) is what she twistedly desires. That sort of knowledge is what used to kill me so because she’s more to be pitied than anything, but leaving someone to their own harmful devices is a difficult pill to swallow. Especially when you love them so much.
Further, that’s my dad in a nutshell, but even worse. He believes the spin. Because his life was so sad before, mom must love him and treat him well, despite all evidence to the contrary. She truly has him convinced that he can’t think for himself or function without her micro-managing whatever benefits her ('cause the rest isn’t important, yanno). He’s incapable of life, according to her.
Anyway, I think I’ve blathered on incoherently enough. Thanks everyone so much for your kindness and help. I appreciate all the time you’ve taken and the care of your replies. Now I’m off to get some lunch. I’m positive that Mexican food always helps my Shitler issues.