Here in Ireland, like most countries populated by catholics, we have our fair share of reports of moving statues and intercessions and the like.
Several years ago however, one particuar lady decided that The Virgin Mary appeared to her and wanted her to build a house of prayer.
This she did.
the virgin Mary continued to Appear to her, telling her what to do, and who shall be damned for all eternity.
Then Several years ago, the Virgin Mary asked that the lady extend the house of prayer, and build a restaurant.
The lady in question asked for people to donate, and they did, and the restaurant was built.
Mid last year, the Virgin Mary asked that all the windows in the House of Prayer be replaced by Stained glass.
So once again, the lady has asked for donations for Stained Glass windows for the “House of Prayer” on Achill Island.
You can view this lady’s website, and her full story, here
Yes, she has had the Stigmata, allegedly.
This is my debate.
Why would the Virgin Mary, in her infinite wisdom, decide to pick a remote island off the coast of Ireland to want her immortal church and restaurant to be built on?
And why does she only appear to bored housewives and in oily windows and road signs?
Why not at halftime in the Superbowl, where her message might reach alot more people?
What is the evidence that a largescale appearance is less favourable than to very impressionable people?