Remainder of thread not showing when editing

I seem to have done something wrong. When I post a reply, while the editing box is open, I no longer see the remainder of the thread, even during Preview. I don’t know what I did to cause this.

Thank you.

Are you (a) posting a new reply, or (b) editing a reply that you already posted?

In case (b), you don’t get to see the prior posts of the thread while you edit. This is often annoying, and is a mal-feature (or possibly just an outright bug).

Posting a new reply. Just now, while posting this reply, I am unable to see the remainder of this thread.

Sorry!! Just now noticed on the blue bar labeled “Topic Review” there are 2 downward-pointing arrows on the right side. I must have inadvertently clicked on that area.

Big fingers, fading eyesight, small iPhone - it’s hell getting older.

Wow, I didn’t realize you could turn that off.