Quite right about the humor; suggestion totally withdrawn. But if you’re serious about enforcing the “don’t be a jerk” rule, you might have the software look for the word “fuck” in GD, and then just poke your head in the door to see if someone’s saying “Listen up, you fucking twit” or something similar. Then, if you consider that jerky behavior, you could call the poster out on it.
I was under the impression that the vB software does flag certain things for the attention of the Mods, but I’ve been wrong before, apparently.
Mangetout, such a pessimist! Just consider that you were wrong about being wrong and I guarantee your day will be brighter!
I’m unaware of any such feature*. There IS a censorwords option, which we have turned off.
Mangetout, please tell me where you’re getting your information.
*Not even AOL had this feature when I was a moderator on their message boards. I quit doing that about a year ago, and they might have updated their software to add in such a feature. It would have been useful.
Nothing more than seriously flawed deduction Lynn, sorry.
Or was it awe, respect and disbelief for our never-ceasing vigilance?
If I was designing an application such as this message board, I would consider it essential to be able to have posts containing words in a defined list(per forum - there are words that you might permit in one forum, but feel inappropriate for another) highlighted to the attention of a named Moderator; I assumed this already was the case because of the prompt intervention so often seen when somebody starts asking about drugs in GQ, but I guess it must just be a combination of vigilance by the Mods and reporting by concerned Dopers.
Another thing I’d do if it was my own software would be to selectively Moderate or watch all posts for a given (troublesome) user.
But it’s not my software, maybe I should wind my neck in.
It could have been disbelief in your never-ceasing vigilance Arnold Winkelried. I was starting to doubt it myself.
Actually, Mangetout, that would be an excellent feature. Rather than simply censoring words, I would find it more useful if certain admin-defined words or phrases were brought to the attention of the appropriate forum moderator by the system sending an e-mail with the URL to the specific post.
I’m gonna think about this a bit more and suggest it at the vB site. Thanks for a potentially useful suggestion.
Thanks to masonite - for the original suggestion.
Some versions of VBulletin does have a form of what you are talking about. For example, let’s say that I want to find every mention of “fuck” in a particular forum. If I do a search on the word “fuck” that word would be highlighted every time it appears in any post. So instead of reading the whole thing, I would only have to look for the red word(s).