Request for cubical change in office

Recently one team member got promoted to lead. So she got moved to the different spot. Since her cubical was empty I requested my manager, if I can move to empty cubical since it is big and spacious. My manager approved the request. Now its been 2 weeks I have been seating in new cubical. In the meantime, they hired new employee and they gave her my old cubical. But I like my old cubical better. It was close to my manager. I can hear everything what’s going on. I asked new employee if she wants to move to my new cubical. She is fine with it. How can I ask my manager to move me back to my old cubical? Please give some good reason. I really don’t like to sit in my new cubical. I have been so sad for 2 weeks

Reported for forum change.

Please give me suggestion

Honestly, I wouldn’t. Just let your boss know that you are feeling out of the loop, and stop by his/her office now and then to check in.

Asking to move again would be a huge disruption and make you look petty.

Moved to IMHO.


Hey (Insert Boss’ name), I just wanted to let you know that (new employee) and I will be switching cubicles this Friday after work. I really enjoyed the space, but it has become clear that this spot is not allowing me to stay in the loop as much as I would like, and I don’t want that to affect my efficiency.

This seems the best way to do it. You need permission to swap cubicles?

In some companies, especially larger ones, there are costs associated with moving people around the office. Telephones may need to be remapped, IT may need to move the equipment, etc. Best to ask if there is an associated cost first, IMHO.

Shows poor decision making skills. You put very little thought into your original request. I want this. I want to trade back.

I wouldn’t ask, if I were you.

This makes the most sense to me. Easy, casual, done deal … “We’re gonna to do this, unless you have an objection.”


this is a good point.

I’ve never worked for a company that was as large and corporate and inhumane (not quite the right word) as this, but maybe yours is. In which case, I guess they’re right.

Finally — and I offer this sincerely and completely without snark — if your company is large/corporate enough that something has to be put in writing, you should spell “cubicle” correctly.

I really can’t say without knowing how big a deal it is to change cubes. Where I work, it does have to be in writing / justified because it costs the dept. money. As was mentioned, phones and computers have to be rerouted.

It also depends on the OP’s relationship with her boss. Only she knows if the boss is likely to be understanding about it.

I personally wouldn’t do it; I don’t think it’s a good look.

Welcome to the SDMB.

I would not try to switch back. Being able to overhear your manager is not a good reason, IMO. That’s not how communication is supposed to work.

I just went thru this, where they swapped us around in furtherance of being Agile. FWIW I was the only one who didn’t complain, so I wound up with the cube nobody wanted - which is pretty much identical with every other cube in the area. Who cares? I need a desk with a chair, a phone with a headset, a PC, and access to the systems. Then leave me alone so I can get some work done.

“How many times are you going to change your mind” may not be a fair question, but it is an almost inevitable one. Two weeks from now will you have your eye on a different cube?

My $.02 worth, and cheap at half the price.


LOL, if one of my staff asked me to move back to their old cubicle after having moved 2 weeks ago, I would be highly annoyed and it would not reflect well on said employee.

In some places cube size is a function of position and seniority, so count your blessings.
Plus, being in the loop is not the same as eavesdropping on your boss. Do you have regular meetings with him or her? Does he or she know what you do? Do you get feedback? If so, you are in the loop, so you can enjoy the quiet.
As a boss I would have signed off on the request, but I would have wondered if she could get documents or code or whatever right on the first try.

Thanks, everyone for the suggestion. Should I ask my manager that is it possible that I can move back to my old cubicle because I think I can be more productive in my old cubicle since it is the last cubicle in the aisle. I can be more focused and there is less distraction here. Also, I got too much comfortable in my old cubicle. Looks like I took the wrong decision. Is this a good reason? A relationship between me and my manager is casual. We don’t have the close relationship.

I went through a very similar issue several years ago at my job. However, in my case, I insisted that I move to another cube - I didn’t get along with a co-worker that I was sitting near, and needed to get away from this person. Plus, this cube was way too noisy.

I moved to my new cube, and never looked back. The move was THE BEST work-related decision I’ve ever made in my life.

To the OP: I would definitely NOT ask to move back to your old cube. It makes you look wishy-washy to your manager. You made the decision to move, and now have to live with it. If you didn’t want to move from your old cube to a new one, you should have never made the request in the first place. Just being brutally honest here.

Suck it up and stay in your current cube. You don’t need to be next to your manager.

No, I don’t think these are good reasons.

The first because it isn’t true - you said before that you could overhear everything in your old cube. That is the opposite of less distraction. And unless it was a typo and you meant you were too comfortable in your new cubicle, then that is not a good reason to move back to your old cubicle. Being too comfortable is not a good reason to move to a cube, unless “too comfortable” means something different from what managers want to hear.

If you are not close to your manager, that is all the more reason not to bother her repeatedly with requests to change cubicles every two weeks. If you were more productive in your old cubicle, why did you want to move? (she might think).

I would say just drop it. You made a mistake - make the best of it.


Yep, it used to cost us about $500 in internal costs to switch a cube. Telephones reassigned (although in the world of IP phones, this is less important), Floor plans changed, PCs moved about (IT has to do this so the asset location got correctly updated and cords were properly "OSHA’d).

And I’d never ask to move back to an old cube. That’s tagging yourself with a big ol’ sign that says “problem.”

Both cubicles have a different type of desk. I have rotator cuff tendinitis. How about I get a note from orthopedic. In my office I tell my manager after moving to the new cubicle I realized it’s not comfortable. I am having a lot of pain in my hand. So is it possible to move me back to my old cubicle