Since the NRA and other groups say that the more guns we have the safer we all are and the cure for a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, requiring every non felon, non insane adult to carry a gun seems a good solution-- What could go wrong?
No debate formed so off to In My Humble Opinion
No no no no no no. Just No.
Bad idea.
As long as they’re not filled with bullets.
Hope you realize that this was said tongue in cheek! Trying to illustrate absurdity of the NRA’s position.
I was hoping that was true.
The written word is usually fairly horrible at communicating tone or sarcasm. There’s nothing in your original post to suggest anything other than an earnest belief in what you wrote there, and you placed it initially in Great Debates, until a moderator moved it.
So, no, we didn’t realize that it was tongue in cheek.
Pretty clearly indicates sarcasm actually. But sarcasm is standard mode in NJ so maybe we pick up the cues easier?
Moderating: Now back to the actual subject of the OP please.
Once I shoot my own foot off accidentally (if I am that lucky), do they take it away from me?
Worked on Deathworld.
Open or Concealed? Cause if it was required Open, it would be a terrific help. You see someone without a gun, you know they are the problem.
Kinda like bumper stickers. The car/truck with The Crazy plastered all over (especially window) is the one you gotta look out for most.
Good idea!
There have been a bunch of posts-Which ones were good ideas?
Chicken – The last one from Gato
I just skimmed the synopsis for this. That world sounds like Australia.
It’s a pretty good read - you should check it out.
I know hundreds of sane, non-felon, happy people who should never be near a gun.
Careless storage, careless handling can cause unfortunate events.
People who are otherwise intelligent and even tempered can and do lose their shit over a fender bender or nasty customer service. Add a gun or two and bad bad things happen.
Whoa! A Rare sighting in the Wild of the “Duo-Bad” from Beckus Da Wrekus, most commonly known for the “Tri-Bad” mating call. Perhaps this specimen is under stress or ill.
Wasn’t there a municipality in the States a few years ago that passed a bylaw that all heads of household had to have at least one gun, in case the militia needed to be called out?
There have been a couple, but afaik it was never actually made mandatory. Gun ownership and carry is too libertarian a stance for mandating it to work.