Resolved: Gorilla Glue IS The Shit!

This is a good idea, but I’d prefer to keep the magnets on the plexi. That way, when I need to remove the window, I can stick it to the hood to secure it. I could always move the magnets, too, but I’m pretty lazy.

It’s holding for now. Really a pretty low-importance project. Every Jeep project is.

Used it to fix the knob on my old air compressor. It was a smooth knob that slid over a, oh it don’t know, rigged little piece of metal. Smaller than a dime around and thinner than 2 deep, but controlled the entire funtionallity of the damn thing. Anyway, the wife wrecked it by turning it over and over, basically sanding down the inside of the knob so it won’t purchase anymore.
Blah blah. Gorilla Glue. Expanded into the grooves of the tiny little metal piece. Seems to work.

Now that I think about it, the third worst Half-assed repair I did today. Jeez, I suck.

If you really want to glue any small parts together, I recommend J B Weld. Make SURE you want them to stay together.

I tried Gorilla Glue once and threw the glue away. As always YMMV.

Ah, good old JB! I’m held together mostly with JB and Duct Tape. But none of that stinkin’ Bailing Wire!

Chewin gum and bailin wire, with a spot of electrical tape.

Gorilla poop and silly-cones, hah! Kids these days with their newfangled adhesives. Why in my day… :sleeping:

Woman Goes Viral After Using Gorilla Glue Spray on Her Hair

When I do my hair, I like to finish it off with a little Göt2b Glued Spray, you know, just to keep it in place. Well, I didn’t have any more göt2b Glued Spray, so I used this: Gorilla Glue spray.

Um… :thinking: What does the decision-making flowchart look like? ‘Does the preferred product contain the word “glue”?’ Yes. ‘Does anything else in the house or garage contain the word “glue”?’ Yes. ‘Use the alternative product.’

It’s like the apocryphal woman who sued a pharmaceutical company when she got pregnant after eating spermicidal jelly on her toast every morning.

Anyway, I’m thinking of a new ad campaign: ‘Use Gorilla Glue, for the last hair-do you’ll ever need.’

  1. Do some dumb-ass thing purely because the warnings on the label don’t specifically say don’t do it*.
  2. Sue.
  3. Profit!

*Apparently, the label says not to use on skin or in the eyes, but fails to tell you not to put it on your hair. Also, my understanding is that her justification included the fact that the label describes the glue as “multi-purpose.”

Let’s hope this woman never runs out of spermicidal jelly.

The statement from the company is kind of funny. It’s sympathetic while not taking any blame for this fiasco.

Things like this are why we get warning such as " Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly".

Same here, I feel bad for her. But it’s not the company’s fault. Legally accusing the company of saying that the glue should not get in contact with ‘skin, eyes or clothes’ and therefore she assumed it was okay to put in her hair is a load of BS and hopefully the judge tosses it out or she has to pay GG’s legal fees. Besides, if it’s going to end up in court, I’m assuming/hoping one of the first questions GG’s attorney asks is how she managed to get it in her hair without it getting on her hands, on her forehead, on the back of neck, on her ears or on her scalp. Did she protect all that skin?

In any case. Because this is become such a viral thing and I think GG has been helpful in giving her at least some advice (ie rubbing alcohol) and not totally distancing themself from the situation and, most of all, because I think this isn’t even remotely GG’s fault not should it even be a little bit considered their problem or responsibility. I think they should offer to pay her ER bill and maybe pay for her to get her head shaved and a wig that she can wear for the next few months or a year.
I have no idea how much cash GG keeps on hand, but if they can easily write her a few thousand dollars worth of checks, it’ll probably do a lot in the way of goodwill.

Why should they pay her ER bill? She’s made a really dumb mistake and compounded that with the temerity to try and sue GG. That took it from mistake to contemptible.

Good will. Nothing more than that. It could even be written as a settlement so they don’t run the, IMvHO very small, chance of losing the lawsuit and having to pay her a whole lot more than a few grand.

From what I’ve read, the trick is to clamp tightly and not use too much. When it’s foamy, it’s not very strong. But if you clamp it and don’t use too much, it’s as strong as normal yellow wood glue and somewhat more water resistant.

Personally, I think it’s a pain in the ass most of the time, and not worth the trouble.

If they pay, they encourage nonsense suits like this. I don’t see any need for Good will where they’ve done nothing in the least wrong.

Gorilla Glue is not Titebond II or III was my point. I wouldn’t use it for any hardwood for an outside use. The secret to most gluing of wood is clamping. If it needs any strength I clamp it. Hell I own about 20 Wood Clamps for when I was making oars and sticks for a wooden boat.

Then bar clamps and of course loads of C-Clamps and Spring Clamps. Gluing is all about clamping.

Camping is all about screwing.

Sorry. That just popped in my head.

Late to the party here, but I think Gorilla Glue is shit, with no “the”.

I used it on an outdoor project and it fell apart in about two days. Yes it was cleaned and clamped, all directions followed.

I ended up machining a custom fitting to make it work. Anybody want a almost full bottle?


They do make a mighty fine gel-style cyanoacrylate glue (super glue).

A neat trick for machining small fiddly parts that can’t be easily held in a lathe chuck is to use CA glue to attach them to a suitable mandrel, do the work, then heat the part to get the glue to release.
I did this a couple of days ago to turn a 7-inch brass disc. I used Gorilla Glue gel to glue an aluminum puck to one side, clamped that in the chuck, did all of my turning and boring, then used a torch to remove the puck.