Resolved - Liberal Men are Douchebag Weeinies

While perusing one of the many many gun threads, I happened upon this thought provoking insight.

There are 2 particular quotes that really lay down a solid foundation for the case that liberal dudes are douchebag weenies.

It’s a fact, you can’t argue with it. Conservatives are manlier, and as we all know, the opposite of manly is douchebag weenie. Game, set, and match.

Manly? Scratching their balls, burping, watching football too loud with a mouthful of Cheetohs, unshaven, unfaithful, illiterate, smelly, cartoon cave-men?

Hm. Pass me the quiche; we were discussing Milton, and sipping limeade. And I can also integrate xe^x.

Shrug. In the battle of the absurd stereotypes, you can have yours, and I will take mine.

According to my family history, I’m more likely to be tall. It’s a fact, you can’t argue with it.

However, I am not tall.

How sad that there are only these two types of men in your world. Fortunate for you that they are so easily identifiable, but sad.

Machu Picchu man
I’ve got to be a Macho Picchu man!..

Inca Queen. You’ve probably never heard of them, they aren’t mainstream…

Thanks for the example of what conservatives see as “thought provoking.”

It explains a great deal.

Yeah, this pitting is probably justified, but the linked poster has a point. The conservative men I know just exude manliness, I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s the wider stance, I don’t know. :confused:

Conservatives of both genders are a collection of fanatics, fools, liars, parasites, criminals, thugs, psychopaths, plutocrats, and pretty much every other variety of scum you can think of. Vermin; the moral and intellectual bottom of the barrel of humanity. And they tend to define good as evil, and evil as good. And they describe as “liberal” the vast majority of humanity; you are a “liberal” unless you belong to their rabid fringe group.

So I wouldn’t especially worry about the worthiness of a liberal man until conservatives expressed honest admiration of him.

They clank when I walk, and I hunt grizzly bear with a ball-peen hammer. I make Chuck Norris call me “sir”. Liberals are weenies, but radicals are badass.

No, it isn’t.

“Manly” by whose definition anyway? For a conservative, I’d expect their typical definition of “manly” to be “ignorant, semiliterate, psychopathic, wife beating, child abusing, gay bashing rapist”.

You know, you would be a much more engaging poster whom I was able to take seriously if every single post of yours-regardless of the subject-didn’t drip with hyperbolic absurdity.

Coincidentally, I read a webcomic today that addressed this issue.

Or as Larry Niven supposedly responded to the old cliche that real men don’t eat quiche: “Real men eat whatever they want.”

Could you define some terms here? I mean, I am not opposed to admitting to being a douchebag weenie, I just need to know what being one entails, exactly.

It’s not “hyperbolic absurdity”; American conservatives are a rabidly irrational fringe moment, getting crazier and nastier all the time. Pretending that they aren’t won’t make them any nicer or more rational.

And this thread opened with a ridiculous insult to liberals, so let’s not pretend that there was ever any politeness or decorum for me to violate.

Perhaps I should have included more of the second quote from the OP. It really hammers home the winning argument from SenorBeef.

Is douchebag weenie a thing? They just seem, you know, like random vulgarities slammed together into meaninglessness.

I just reread that sentence and I realized I am a douchebag weenie for writing it.

Oh well. We still get the liberal women, and they’re a hell of a lot better in the sack.

It’s the gradation between “dork face” and “doo-doo head”.

Manly men eat their meat raw!
Liberal men figured out how to make fire. And everything since.

This douchebag weenie is better armed than Nicaragua. Make of that what you will.

Douchebag weenies doesn’t really capture the emasculation stereotype enough to be offensive. Pencil-necked nerds or beta/omega males is more like it.