What’s the best way to return after one’s posted? I push the “Back” button and all I get is the “Page Expired” mess. Any ideas??
What’s the best way to return after one’s posted? I push the “Back” button and all I get is the “Page Expired” mess. Any ideas??
Try right-clicking on your browser’s “back” button. This should offer you a selection of all the last dozen or so pages you were on. Go back two links rather than one, and you should get back to the thread (or wherever.)
After posting, you are returned to the thread in which you posted - with your new post now showing up last in the thread (well, except maybe for really close simulposts).
Now if you’re asking how to return to the forum listing, then try the “Forum Jump” pull-down menu near the bottom right-hand corner of the page - you can go to any forum listing, or to the “Forums Home” page, plus several additional options.