Revenge of Made-Up Band Names A-Z (Part 1)

Ennui Ensues

The Featherless Frogs

The Guiltless Gulls

The Hatless Hamsters

The Incoherent Iguanas, feat. Tami

the Jerry Attrick band featuring Al Zymer (bass) and Dee Mencha (bassoon).

The Kramdens

The Lannisters

The Movie Star and all the Rest

Nolo Contendere

Ono U Don’t!

Pancake Pierre and the French Toast

Quality Question Band

Rusted Out

(Superband made of old Heavy Metal bandmembers)

Sub-Woofer and the Tweeters


The Talentless Twits

The Useful Idiots

Valentine Fortescue & the Laser Lesbians

Who Farted?

Xenophobic Giraffes